Re Febland Europa

Here’s a little job I did:

The 1920’s car below is one of two that I carried in a tilt to Febland’s for the Millemiglia car race.
:blush: The pic of the other car didn’t turn out. :frowning:

Those who did Febland’s work will remember the guy who drove the car off my trailer. :grimacing:

:blush: :blush: Sorry about the poor quality pics, but I’ve been fettling them, and this really is as good as they get. :smiley:

American truck is a Ford W 1000 I believe

Volvo F88 290 brand new in 1977 KLV 11R DAF 2600 on Mont Blanc
Volvo F 88
New MAN truck and Volvo F89 in France homeward bound
Subbie fron Liverpool with a Scania 140 6x4 not sure what year
Ex Atkins International Scania 142 6x2

didnt know atkins ever had a scania :unamused:

Yes Atkins only had the one Scania 142 they bought it has a 4x2 and had it converted to a Norde rubber suspension 6x2 very hard ride. The 142 was running day and hight between Derby Pirelli and Carlisle as far as i can remember it replaced a 141 which was sold to Litt Haul at Norhtamton area who worked for TOE the french company at Newhavenj

One after being painted

i did a lot of work out of Novara for Louis Bull who was a subby for Mammoth int with “kangaroo” trailers. Often spending the weekend in Novara. Alberto ran the bar as you entered the rail yard. Used to eat at “Eddies” ( Via Bovio, turn left at railway, end of road on left), all the students ate there and was cheaper than French Routiers. He also ran an XJ6 and we supplied the spares he needed to keep it on the road. He took us out one sat night with his missus and another couple…to a “club” that served food…■■■■■■■! Top stuff but Sonya wasn’t too impressed!

Didn’t Febland have a Merc driven by a guy with a beard aka Capt. Birds Eye?

I remember that 6 wheeler 140 from Liverpool, I was with my Dad tipping in Speke in 78ish & it came in, I remember it because of the exhaust, it did sound well, i had the hump with my dad all the way home because he only had a day cab 110!

Yes thats correct Gazzer. A smashing bloke and very well educated. In fact he
was an Acountant by trade but prefered to drive a lorry. He was married to an Italian lady but living in England and had a good command of the language.
He was also a very good cook and used to carry a pressure cooker with him.
If you should be parked next to him at lunchtime then you were in for a treat.
The name was the only thing to change though. One night on ‘The Blanc’
we had some bad snow and decided to park up for the night but Captain Birdseye decided he would make a few more miles by following the
snowplough when it came along. On enquiring how he got on a few days later
we learned that he had followed it into a ‘council yard’. :blush: :blush: :blush:
From then on he was known as ‘Captain Snowplough’ !!!

Hi anyone remember truck truckel from i think liverpool here is a picture of his scania 140 on mont blancAlso some old pics of a 141

Hey Premier

Stunning photos mate can happily look at them all day ! :smiley: The driver did well to get out of that 88 coming down the
blanc can you imagine if the door had still been locked on the passenger side i cant remember if they automatically
opened from the inside if they were locked ■■? they probably did,i bet he needed a new pair of boxers!

The 88 that jack knived stood up well to the accident can you imagine the mess of a modern unit with them having
so much plastic on them ,bumpers etc.

Keep posting more pics if you have any,cracking thread.

great pictures, i had a 4 wheeler man pass me the other day couldnt get camera quick enough it was feblands

Here are some more pics courtsey of John Mcvey from early Febland days 78/79 in Novara yard

Daf 2800 at Blackpool depot

On Mont Blanc French side John Mcvey

Novara yard

In France on services

Daf 2800 with new kangroo trailor i think at Dover West docks

Here are some more pictures from John Mcveys days at Feblands in the 80s

Mont Cenis

Volvo F88 290 and Daf 2800 in cluses customs near restaurant

Mont Cenis

Parked in France

I think this at the PLM services near Chalon■■?

Not sure of location

Febland truck in the distance maybe near the nanture??

The pic with the heading Febland truck in the distance is Gary Richardson on the aproach to Monte Bianco

McVicar has got so much Capo di Monte round his gaff it looks like a
Rumanian gypsies caravan, and his cab was always dirtier than a vampires rucksack.

Look Reidy I told you to keep that quiet, actually as me dear old Mum would have said “I wouldn’t give it house room”

Sorry guys I think I would pay the tunnel than try that a mate of mine did it with a wagon and drag a few years ago and said it was fun :smiling_imp: unfortunatly never done it myself :frowning:

Hi here are a couple more pictures just found both at yard in Novara Italy waiting for trailers to UK the second picture is a brand new Trailor kangeroo loading for UK

Here are a couple coming down Mont Cenis in the summer