Re- Ads on right hand side

I’m just wondering what fool designs a web site with an advert column next to the window / frame slide on the right hand side of the web page ■■? :open_mouth:

Its a real pain in the arse when you go to scroll and end up opening adverts.
It would be so much better on the left hand side :wink:

Blimey I’d forgotten there are adds on Trucknet-UK :smiley:

Use Adblocker Plus and never be bothered by adds again :wink:

What fool doesn’t use an ad blocker? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

or a mouse with a wheel?

I’m on about the banner used by T&D

using a mouse with a wheel, I don’t even look at them, I have no need to.

I know this is way off topic but what’s with the blue thread icon, I don’t remember seeing this before :confused:


That icon with the arrow shows the topic has been moved from one forum to another. I think this topic was originally posted in the computer and tech forum then moved here. It’s been around as long as we’ve had this incarnation of the board and possibly longer.

^^ OK thanks.

I’ve just noticed that it doesn’t show like that in the new posts search, that’s how I usually view the board so that’s why I haven’t noticed it before.