Raymundo the post nit picker

You must have a sad life to troll through what i post then comment on it.
So what if i put it is a two day event that lasts for two days for Button’s visit.
Now you call me a liar when i did see the Pope’s plane fly over.Can you prove that it did not.
Read the post again,or shall i do it for you in case you need help in that area,i said the Tv coverage of his departure matched the time the plane took off to fly over.
Get a life man.

You must have a sad life to troll through what i post then comment on it.


You’ve posted something on a forum and a person has chosen to answer… that’s what forums are for. :unamused:

:bulb: Maybe it’s time to give a bit more consideration to what you post before hitting the ‘submit’ button? :wink:

He didn’t call you a liar he was pointing out that you said you saw something you never see. Those two things contradict one another. Like saying I ain’t got none, which indicates you must have some if you don’t have none you must have some.

Chill Dafuq out Toby. I’m sure it’s all meant in good fun and no personal attack on you. I learned my lesson with Mike-C and I thank him for it.

Starting a thread to attack someone is somewhat childish mate. Just send the bloke a PM and call him a ■■■■ but don’t bring it into the public domain or you’ll end up looking a mug which I’m sure you’re not.

I think I know (as,I suspect,do others) what Toby meant with the ‘something you never see’
thing.Alitalia flying out of Cardiff airport,which they didn’t,but did. :smiley: Anyway Toby,it’s not like you to get all het up,so have a couple of carajillos and chill :wink:.Keeeeep posting though :smiley: :smiley:

Jeez, some people don’t not have no sense of 'umour. Toby I apologise unreservedly for my indiscretion regarding your granmar. I do lead a pretty full life but at the mo I am sitting at home on leave and get bored very quickly so it’s either reading trucknet posts or decorating the lounge, No contest, I hate decorating as it’s worse than gardening which I don’t do either so that’s my contribution to wildlife if the wife doesn’t do it , and it’s not my fault if my naturally high IQ picks up on errors of a grammatical nature, spelling, repetition etc etc … innit? :frowning:
ps. I don’t know what you called me as it was deleted by a mod to spare my feelings but what ever it was I can only assure you that in the past I have probably/definitely been called far worse and survived to tell the tale. Love Ray xxxx

No worries.All forgiven now.I threw my toys out of the pram.Ignore what i put anyway.As in the Killers song:We are human.
Wihout my caffeine fix i am like a bear being woken up from hibernating.
Have a good day .

Bloody hell, this forum is going to the dogs. People being nice to each other for God’s sake :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (just in case!)

Bloody hell, this forum is going to the dogs. People being nice to each other for God’s sake :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (just in case!)

:laughing: :laughing:

And they lived happily ever after :grimacing:

Aaaah :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I slept well last night as Toby has forgiven me !! :open_mouth: :unamused: FFS where’s the sticky out tongue smilie …

Mr Ray.It took you half a year to guess the where am i photo by the river.Just jesting now.It will soon be Christmas and Martin Kemp will be soon on the telly to tell me there is a sofa sale.
Apparently Simon Cowel unwinds by watching cartoons.
Not a bad idea.
Escaping from reality.

Round 2 :grimacing:

Mr Ray.It took you half a year to guess the where am i photo by the river.

Maybe so but at least it was quicker than anyone else. But I should have got it earlier I know as I pass that place twice a day when at work (and trolling your posts when I’m not, allegedly).