Rate the alcoholic beverage

Rate the previous poster’s beverage and then post a pic of another beverage.

never tried it. It looks very RED

Jim’s not as good as…

But I can trump both of them whiskeys

southern comfort is too sweet for me this is better…

Yep the 10yr old is good but…

Thats my tipple :slight_smile:

never tried it

don’t do alcohol so it’ll have to be



tea is good

gogs you’re still a ■■■ :laughing:

and as a metalheadophile i’m sure you’ve tried

Which is lovely, tastes like cough medicine though. And can cause behaviour such as…

This used to good!

But it never made you do anything like the above :smiley: :sunglasses: :smiley:

This stuff is 10x worse than petrol