R.Swain & Sons VACANCIES

Did a bit of agency for R Swain out of Manchester depot when I was a C driver, they were ok to be honest, truck was an old X reg Daf CF (65?) with no cruise, so Aberdeen was a good run with a stick on the throttle lol.

Went in, told them it was my 1st time, got told what to do, what to fill in etc, and sent on my way, did job, rang up, they said have a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow.

Spoke to politely, job explained to me, paperwork explained etc.

Not like some places I’ve worked / do work…

I work for Swain out of Manchester, no problems good to work for, not too big. Mostly artics in Manchester with a lot of flat work. Stayed at the Rochester depot Thursday night and very busy with lots of class 2.

I’ve read lots and lots of posts here regarding the lack of work and bad agencies and now drivers turning down jobs etc, makes me think that some of the posters just whine for the sake of it, I believe mc,d’s are setting on get them burgers flipped. :smiley:

Hands up who wants their prospective job, pay, & conditions actually defined in straight-forward terms?

All this “A+B-C then divide by the first number you thought of but forgot” style of structure to wages does not lend much confidence to the jobseeker most concerned that their next full tme job should pay enough to fill the fridge & pay the mortgage - YES I DO mean in the same month! :open_mouth:

Hands up who wants their prospective job, pay, & conditions actually defined in straight-forward terms?

All this “A+B-C then divide by the first number you thought of but forgot” style of structure to wages does not lend much confidence to the jobseeker most concerned that their next full tme job should pay enough to fill the fridge & pay the mortgage - YES I DO mean in the same month! :open_mouth:

Me please. Hourly rate x contracted hours = y amount. With details of z per day fuel bonus, a per week attendance bonus and b per week damage bonus. Rather than up to £500 (inc bonuses)

Are you sure you wouldn’t like better:

£15ph gross limited company

Cab Hire fee £5ph
Cleaning materials £9.50p
Fuel Efficiency deduction when targets not met £5.00per day
Umbrella Commission £27 per shift
Non-Deductable mileage (because you’re commuting) £0.45p per mile already claimed
1/6th pay deducted to build your “Holiday pot” (ie there isn’t actually any holiday pay!)
You have £10 deducted per shift from your net pay, and when you take your holiday pot money, you pay deductions on it again…
Substitution when off sick, or unavailable for a shift £100 per shift

Bonus add-ons:
Cab left in immaculate condition, and always brand new (you won’t get this bonus anymore when the 62 plate comes out!)
Fuel Consumption less than that of a mini cooper £500 per month bonus if achieved
Senior Tacho Bonus (If you didn’t renew your digicard this year, you get this!)
Mileage and Time Window bonus £1000 per month
(If you can do 185 drops in Central london, and be home in Thurso in time for tea!)

All in all your job would be described as “Earn upto £1500 a MONTH in bonus payments ALONE!”

…and when you jack in in after a week, you don’t get dole because you’re classed as self-employed througout!

Oh, then the firm disputes your invoice for the paltry amount you submit…

It’s a dog eat dog out there. Just make sure you bite them first! :grimacing:

Er can I stay on my salaried £13p/h flat rate throughout? Spent years on the taxis doing the IRS 35 S/E fiddle don’t want to go back.

Good on you only if an for posting some jobs what a shame about all the negativity coming back seems like everyone’s got top paid jobs and can afford to turn it down,I would have thought it’s better to be earning something than watching Jeremy kyle on daytime tv,good luck to you. :smiley:

Thanks matey thats why I put it on here. Glad to hear some good feedback for the firm, I have been here for just over a year now and all is going well and yes I do hear complaints from drivers, but what firm doesn’t other than one who doesn’t want to listen? Most of the drivers have been here for years and I guess if it pays the bills and the work is not too bad, you stay and I expect that why they are still here.

Are they still running that fleet of Leyland Roadtrains ■■?

And the Beatles have split up mate :open_mouth: !

Did a bit of agency for R Swain out of Manchester depot when I was a C driver, they were ok to be honest, truck was an old X reg Daf CF (65?) with no cruise, so Aberdeen was a good run with a stick on the throttle lol.

Went in, told them it was my 1st time, got told what to do, what to fill in etc, and sent on my way, did job, rang up, they said have a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow.

Spoke to politely, job explained to me, paperwork explained etc.
Not like some places I’ve worked / do work…

I worked 3 days for them out of Worsley depot last week, on the Agency. Job and paperwork explained, asked usual questions about backloads, fuelling up etc, all satisfactory. There are a number of long serving drivers here, and what I will say is the maintenance side of things is well up to scratch, with an excellent onsite workshop.

And the reason for reviving a nearly 4 year old thread was■■?

And the reason for reviving a nearly 4 year old thread was■■?

A) Because I haven’t been on here for a while and B), because in addition to the above comments, my experience with the firm is a good one. We would all like more money but I have found the work Ok, the maintenance up to scratch, and a fair attitude in the office, all points which I’m sure will be of help, and thats what this Forum is about - helping others.

and what I will say is the maintenance side of things is well up to scratch, with an excellent onsite workshop.

Will need it to if they run Leyland Roadtrains !!


And the reason for reviving a nearly 4 year old thread was■■?

A) Because I haven’t been on here for a while and B), because in addition to the above comments, my experience with the firm is a good one. We would all like more money but I have found the work Ok, the maintenance up to scratch, and a fair attitude in the office, all points which I’m sure will be of help, and thats what this Forum is about - helping others.

I have to concur with that. I only went in there once as a rare agency - and was treated with courtesy, given instructions that were written in plain English, and the vehicles were all roadworthy on takeover.

In fact I’d highly recommend it for a 20-30 age driver to “cut their teeth” there. Let them teach you “General Haulage” from the bottom up. :slight_smile:

There are a lot worse companies around that’s for sure!
Done another 3 days this week for R Swain, 58 Reg DAF, ran just sweet. General haulage is always a good variety of work, not always easy but it pays the bills!

Holy thread resurrection Batman…

Forgot i had even posted this lol! I have LGV2 ADR vacancies if anyone is interested, £29,666 per annum, 50 hours a week, running split between Greenwich and Rochester

Couple of old motors for the fans


Had an old 2817 D series years ago…slicing my own head off with a blunt rusty hacksaw would be in preference to ever driving one again… :grimacing:

Hope it’s the same but I knew a few of the Swains lads when I worked for Tarmac Plant, great bunch.

For any newbie wishing to learn the trade from the horses mouth these are the guys I would work for.

Are yes Roadtrains, gearshift like a spoon in a bowl of porridge but nice big cab.

I imagine that the last one in those pictures is still on Swain’s fleet.