Quote from Alistair Darling about tax

Darling does not want to “Tax foreign hauliers because 90 % of our goods are imported and we dont want to upset our European neighbours”

These are the same neighbours who fine us for everything they can and tax us whenever they can. These bloody politicians should be made work in the industry for a year, or better yet go and speak to the small hauliers or owner drivers for advice rather than the multi-nationals who cause most of the rate problems.

What a stupid argument,why because they(Iimporters)
MUST SELL THEIR WARES; and how can all the other
countrys who also import goods AND have a road
chargeing system do it and they have NO worrys,

ALL they have to do is set up in all EXIT points
for TRUCKS a place where each driver can
get the required VINGETTE, better still put booths
in all european entrance points for trucks wishing
to come to the UK;
so they can notcomplain of any hold ups,as
every one has to do the paperwork for the
boat–shuttle.and have the trucks pass through
the same procedure in the UK;
this saves haveing to invest in any
technical system like in germany .france

and FOR the UK transport firms reduce the
amount of roadtax paid,however the vingette
will have to be paid, just lkie ever one else
THIS is exactly how germany,carrys out their
roadchargeing system,

Unfortunately, all the politicians (and large plc’s) see is cheap transport, and like much else here, they don’t care where it came from. As we import just about everything now cheap imported transport and labour is seen as a benefit. Crass but true.

well on that basis, I think all UK haulage should just throw the towel in and shut up shop 'cos he is making it impossible to survive never mind compete.

Isnt fuel goin up again next week ? Unbelievable

Darling does not want to "Tax foreign hauliers

Probably just as well because any system which was introduced would have to apply to British hauliers as well and you can bet it would work out more expensive than our current system.

Wot, doesnt want to upset the apple cart ? Y ?

but surely if all hauliers were charged the same rate for each country it would be a more fairer system and even playing field ?

at present the UK hauliers taxes are subsidising the roads and associated costs for foreign hauliers use ? Am I wrong here ?

Darlings problem , apart from being a t1t, is that he sees the UK hauliers as easy prey.

darling is a socialist where everyone is equal but some are more equal than others, labour will go down in history as the government that gave england away

What did his predecessor say about “British jobs for British workers”■■

Pair of [z]


think everyone should sell up to Stobart, lgo and work for him and let the company have the headaches. imagine if Stobart had, say 75 % of UK haulage and then said to the Government Nothing moves unless you change your tactics and policies!

Now that would be something alright.

Dalring is just Browns puppet - when do we get an election to vote these UNELECTED, money-grabbing parasites out? :imp:

Successive governments have allowed our industry to go to other countries because goods can be made cheaper can you see any reason why road haulage wont be allowed to go the same way. As long as the captains of industry can keep their raw materials cheap ,the share holders happy and therefore their salaries high do they worry who turns up at the warehouse?

The way I see it is when Foreign Hauliers have finally taken over (I agree they have the mainly already) they will then be in a position to start raising their rates - thats when those earning high amounts out of farming their production/transport out of this country will regret their current actions. And I for one will be laughing in their faces.

Dalring is just Browns puppet - when do we get an election to vote these UNELECTED, money-grabbing parasites out? :imp:

But who would you vote in ? They are as all as bad as each other and its always between Labour and Conservative! Both crap.

just vote for the indipendent, get rid of the gravy train brigade

without gettin on the Gravy train both parties who have been in power for the last how many years have never lived up to their promises and they all say the same thing,

NHS,Education etc etc , all bollix the lot of it

country needs someone who actually listens to what the public wants and needs , not what they think they want and certainly not for them to decide for us!

Isnt this supposed to be a democracy ? My arse it is