Finished work Friday after a long and messed about day give the missus the usual home in 10 minutes call and told her i’m Hank Marvin, “spag bol already when you get in” she replied “great” i said, anyway dived in the shower while she popped the spagetti on came downstairs as she was dishing it up and it didn’t touch the sides.
After i have the daughter and the missus looking at me all funny so i say “ok what’s up” ? only give me quorn instead of mince the bleeders and i didn’t notice 
Anybody else eat it and like it ?
bald bloke:
Finished work Friday after a long and messed about day give the missus the usual home in 10 minutes call and told her i’m Hank Marvin, “spag bol already when you get in” she replied “great” i said, anyway dived in the shower while she popped the spagetti on came downstairs as she was dishing it up and it didn’t touch the sides.
After i have the daughter and the missus looking at me all funny so i say “ok what’s up” ? only give me quorn instead of mince the bleeders and i didn’t notice 
Anybody else eat it and like it ?
Tried it n didnt like it but that wer a few year ago
Tried it n didnt like it but that wer a few year ago
They caught me at a weak moment, it did have a bit of a rubbery texture to it but looked very much like mince.
Bet you wont fall for that 1 again in a hurry lol
You know them burgers you had the other day 
Bet you wont fall for that 1 again in a hurry lol
Nope and i’ll bide my time and get my own back . 
Got to say i’m trying to cut down on my red meat intake so might go with it for a while.
Quorn is OK as long as you don’t overcook it…It disintegrates! 
Quorn is OK as long as you don’t overcook it…It disintegrates! 
Good tip Vern I’ll tell the missus .
bald bloke:
Got to say i’m trying to cut down on my red meat intake so might go with it for a while.
Me too chicken salad I call it. For some reason the guys down the road call it chicken kebab 
bald bloke:
Got to say i’m trying to cut down on my red meat intake so might go with it for a while.
Me too chicken salad I call it. For some reason the guys down the road call it chicken kebab 
Anything with chicken in must be healthy !!

bald bloke:
bald bloke:
Got to say i’m trying to cut down on my red meat intake so might go with it for a while.
Me too chicken salad I call it. For some reason the guys down the road call it chicken kebab 
Anything with chicken in must be healthy !!

i like my chicken steamed
As a vegetarian I eat Quorn on a regular basis. Cooking it takes patience, practice, experience and a good cook (Mrs Hippy) to do it justice. Depends if you want to eat to fill yourself up or eat to enjoy and appreciate. We had a chilli tonight which was grand. No, its not meat and doesn’t pretend to be, although various incarnations refer to what meat it approximates to. Anyone in need of tips how to cook Quorn please PM me, if you just want to take the pi$$ out of a tree hugging hippy please feel free to do so, violence and anger is the last option for a Hippy… but remember, its still an option. 
It’s ok but very bland even with a sauce, I found it needs a good shake of salt etc with it
I found it needs a good shake of salt etc with it
Then you are offsetting the health benefits of eating quorn by chucking a load of salt at it !!
bald bloke:
I found it needs a good shake of salt etc with it
Then you are offsetting the health benefits of eating quorn by chucking a load of salt at it !!
What health benefits the only thing quorn gave me was wind
All I’m saying is I find it bland
bald bloke:
I found it needs a good shake of salt etc with it
Then you are offsetting the health benefits of eating quorn by chucking a load of salt at it !!
What health benefits the only thing quorn gave me was wind
All I’m saying is I find it bland
I’ve only had it with bolognese sauce and I refuse to even see it in its uncooked state.
My wife is a vegetarian but can’t eat Quorn. It has a very bad reaction within a short time of eating it, sickness and the runs big style.
My wife is a vegetarian but can’t eat Quorn. It has a very bad reaction within a short time of eating it, sickness and the runs big style.
Yeah my missus is a veggie too but she refuses to eat the stuff.
bald bloke:
My wife is a vegetarian but can’t eat Quorn. It has a very bad reaction within a short time of eating it, sickness and the runs big style.
Yeah my missus is a veggie too but she refuses to eat the stuff.
she refuses to eat it but is happy to feed it to you . i don’t have a wife but if i did and she did that to me she’d be upside down in the dustbin ,now you can see why i don’t have a wife 
Quorn meatballs browned fisrt then served with spaghetti and a bolognese sauce are great. Cant tell the difference and no grease and cheap!!