TC office received my application yesterday and I got an email from them today. Quick.
They’ve asked a few questions.
It is a Ltd. Co. asking for 2 vehicles 0 trailers. 1 Operating Center and 1 Office 1/2 hr away.
I have my cpc and am specified TM.
–They want to know “how the company has met its transport needs since it was incorporated” a few years ago. Perhaps it is cos I specified Haulier as the company type on the form. (?) I’ve been using it for driving work up till now.
–They want a Contract of Employment for the TM which is me. I hadn’t thought I needed to supply that as it is a contract with myself. Thought that was only required for external TM. 'Suppose it is between the co. and manager.
–They want me to confirm the hours a week I spend as a Director. Umm bring the books up to date every few weeks and run a vat return every quarter… works out to not many hours a week! Don’t want to write 0.25h per week. They might think I was taking the ■■■■.
–They want the Driver/TM to write a letter confirming how I “will be able to effectively and continuously manage the transport activities”.
“The letter should give details of how often he is available in light of his licence and other commitments, how often he visits the sites, how long he spends at each of the sites, who checks the tachographs and where records are kept. He should also refer to the distance between operating centers, give travelling times including a detailed itinerary, state who supervises the the driver daily walk round checks and how the driver defect reporting system is implemented and audited, and in relation to the former indicate whether it is practical to maintain continuous and effective control of the licences.”
–They want the details and qualifications of any one I might claim assists me.
It is one operating center and one truck (with one on the margin). There is only so much BS you can talk about “supervising the walk rounds” without starting to sound like you are being facetious.
–Then the worst thing of all. They say the advert is unacceptable. The Operating Center is an industrial estate with open storage parking used by loads of other companies. They say the current ad is “misleading to local residents” as I don’t give the whereabouts within the Operating Center the vehicle will be parked. They say I need to re advertise this time specifying a unit number, but I don’t have one as it is open parking. The ad cost £300 YES £300 to put in the local paper
(they are on a good number there) so I am hoping they can accept that no Unit No. is attached to it… or ask the parking place to make one up and fork out again for another ad. which seems ridiculous. Is a Unit No. a requirement?
I’m surprised they have gone on so much about implying I couldn’t possibly have the time to be a director and a TM and a driver. I read recently that they have actually recently reduced the guidance down from 8hrs for 1-2 vehicles. I stated a 40h week as a driver and 8h a week on TM duties. I thought that was pretty reasonable. I suppose they just want me to describe/outline my setup but I wish I didn’t have to re do my ad!
And here I was hoping I might get the interim through.
Bit of homework for me there then.