
Why are some recent topics with recent replies and comments , lets say “hidden” ■■ Actualy just 2 topics about immigrants , which are recently commented I cannot find on the first pages , I need to look for them manualy on the 3d page. My and everybody else default settings are this: Display posts from previous:All posts Sort by:Post time Ascending . Am I doing something wrong or … ■■

By the way, That what is hapening now with the immigrants across the Hole Europe gona affect all of us, very soon. I am witnessing a lot of mainstream media cover up about hole thing. My place of birth is on the hungary-serbia border, and can give you some infos about 500.000 muslim young imigrants wich crossed from syria,through turkey-greece-macedonia-serbia-hungary to Europe in the last 3 months. This is the biggest immigration from the WWII.

Back to the question , why are this topics lets say “hiden” ?

I’ve no idea why you can’t see them mate because I certainly can, and on the first page of new posts.

Here’s a screen-shot I’ve just taken of page 1 of the new posts :wink:


The posts you are looking for have been moved to Bully’s so you will not see the latest contributions to them in the Professional Drivers Forum, if you click View new posts they will be on your first page.

Back to the question , why are this topics lets say “hiden” ?

Hi andjelko,

Martin has this spot-on above. :smiley:

The topics are not hidden, they were simply moved by a Moderator to the forum most suited to the subject matter.

Why are some recent topics with recent replies and comments , lets say “hidden” ■■ Actualy just 2 topics about immigrants , which are recently commented I cannot find on the first pages , I need to look for them manualy on the 3d page. My and everybody else default settings are this: Display posts from previous:All posts Sort by:Post time Ascending . Am I doing something wrong or … ■■

By the way, That what is hapening now with the immigrants across the Hole Europe gona affect all of us, very soon. I am witnessing a lot of mainstream media cover up about hole thing. My place of birth is on the hungary-serbia border, and can give you some infos about 500.000 muslim young imigrants wich crossed from syria,through turkey-greece-macedonia-serbia-hungary to Europe in the last 3 months. This is the biggest immigration from the WWII.

Back to the question , why are this topics lets say “hiden” ?

You may be banned by a few Members :slight_smile: