If a driver arrives at depo at 06:30 to start at 06:45 and puts his card in a 06:45 to do daily checks, then is informed that plans have changed. Therefore takes his card out and waits in driver reception as asked till 09:00 when card is inserted in different truck (daily checks done) to start driving.
What time does the driver need his first break ■■?
Does the shift start at 0630 or 0645? because that point is not made clear
If the shift starts at 0630 then the records on the card must also start at 0630
POA or break extends the RTD 6 hour break requirement limit as per this example …
Start 0630
other work from 0630 to 0645
POA or break from 0645 to 0900
other work from 0900 to 0915
drive from 0915 …
15 min RTD (WTD) break needed at 1445 if POA recorded from 0645 to 0900
15 min RTD break needed at 1500 if break of at least 15 mins recorded between 0645 to 0900
Driving time break needed at or before the driving time gets to 4.5 hours which can be a 45 or 15 then 30
Breaks for both driving time and RTD can count for each other but the driving time break rules take preference
If a driver arrives at depo at 06:30 to start at 06:45 and puts his card in a 06:45 to do daily checks, then is informed that plans have changed. Therefore takes his card out and waits in driver reception as asked till 09:00 when card is inserted in different truck (daily checks done) to start driving.
What time does the driver need his first break ■■?
You started Shift at 06.30 why it were 12.30,but you seat 2 Hour in Driver Room so its from 09.00 Time to work for 6 Hour when you need 30 minute Break.
Dont forget manuell entry at 06.45 and 15 minute for Pre-Trip check
If a driver arrives at depo at 06:30 to start at 06:45 and puts his card in a 06:45 to do daily checks, then is informed that plans have changed. Therefore takes his card out and waits in driver reception as asked till 09:00 when card is inserted in different truck (daily checks done) to start driving.
What time does the driver need his first break ■■?
You started Shift at 06.30 why it were 12.30,but you seat 2 Hour in Driver Room so its from 09.00 Time to work for 6 Hour when you need 30 minute Break.
Dont forget manuell entry at 06.45 and 15 minute for Pre-Trip check