Question for the moderators

The ’ Goto Page 1,2,3 …49.50.51’ that appears at the top and bottom of each page opened …

Is there a quick way to jump to the page that you want?

I’ve been working my way through the pages (up to # 30 at the minute) but if I return after having logged out it’s a slow slog on my computor to have to 'next page ‘next page’ everytime to get back to where I was.

Any suggestions?


Not a mod but I don’t think you’ll find a way apart from clicking on the page number you want.

An alternative would be to save the last page you read in your bookmarks or favourites, you could then go straight there and delete the bookmark when you no longer need it.

edit: There could be some confusion here, not many if any threads have over 50 pages, if you could post a link to the pages you’re trying to read it may help to ensure everyone is talking about the same thing.

[mods: this post should probably be in the feedback forum… :wink: ]

I’m not a mod either, but…

  1. Click on the link for Page 2.
  2. Look at the URL in your browser window. It will look something like: … 0&start=50

  1. Now, the interesting bit is “start=50”.
  • Page 1 is “start=0”.
  • Page 2 is “start=50”.
  • Page 3 is “start=100”.
  • Page 4 is “start=150”.
  • Page 5 is “start=200”.
  • Page 6 is “start=250”.
  • Page 7 is “start=300”.
  • Page 8 is “start=350”.
  • etc. I’m sure you’ve worked out the pattern.
  1. Edit the URL in your browser to go to the page number you want. In your example of going to page 30, you want “start=1450”.


moved to feedback , jb :wink:

Tachograph Didn’t think about trying to bookmark it… I’m not overly brilliant with these computers…

Mr Fibble… Your explanation at least gives me a way to work it out… now I just have to find my calculator to work out the sum… Thankyou… and sorry for posting this one in the wrong place… I’ll try to get it right next time… still … they say practice makes perfect.

Thanks folks.

Mr Fibble… Your explanation at least gives me a way to work it out… now I just have to find my calculator to work out the sum…

((page number) - 1) x 50

And, assuming you’re using Windows,

Start → Programs → Accessories → Calculator.

sorry for posting this one in the wrong place…

No probs, I’m sure one of the mods will be along to move it.

Oh, look, they have… :wink: