Query: Tipper Truck Enthusiast/Photographer from West Yorks

Hi fella’s. I’m a recent new member on the site. Very impressed with the Forums. Some good stuff on here.

I’m wondering if anybody on here can help me in trying to track down a guy who used to take truck pictures (as a hobby I believe), around West Yorkshire.

He seemed to mostly take pics of tipper lorries and was a regular visitor to the sites and quarries I used to haul out of. He was a regular at the operator’s premises too, taking pics and logging them in his many many albums. I can’t recall his name, but I know that he always used to arrive at the premises in a Land Rover 90 and I’m pretty positive he was a Land Rover enthusiast too. For some reason, the name Paul sticks in my head, but I’m not positive this is right…all I recall is that he had a beard!! Not much to go on I know!!

I last saw him in RL Noble & Son’s yard in Cleckheaton, Bradford, around 10 years ago, so I know this is a long shot!!

Any help would be really appreciated.
