Pyramid transport

Why was it deleted? :unamused:

total madness:
Why was it deleted? :unamused:

Hi total madness,

It wasn’t deleted, it was simply moved to a place where it can no longer be seen publicly.
In order to answer your question, I’ve just been to have a quick look at it.

Pick any one (or more) of the following reasons for removal:

  • There were personal attacks.
  • There were unsubstantiated ‘facts’ seemingly thrown in at random.
  • Some of the ‘facts’ were removed, but that didn’t stop posters from posting further crap.
  • If posters can’t be bothered to read and abide by Forum Rules, then I’m sorry but we don’t have time to baby sit posts to keep gossip mongers with loose tongues (and possibly TN) from being sued.

I hope this helps.

fair enough diesledave about 90% of it was crap but the other 10% got the point across so mission accomplished in my eyes. :smiley:

total madness:
fair enough diesledave about 90% of it was crap but the other 10% got the point across so mission accomplished in my eyes. :smiley:

Fair play to you too mate, there were some proper facts with links to the info, but there are always some people who post wild speculation which spoils things for everybody else.

Aahh so long porky


total madness:
fair enough diesledave about 90% of it was crap but the other 10% got the point across so mission accomplished in my eyes. :smiley:

Fair play to you too mate, there were some proper facts with links to the info, but there are always some people who post wild speculation which spoils things for everybody else.

The things that got me on this topic were the idiots who tried to pass themselves off as drivers and were really the ones in charge of the company :unamused: :unamused: It did get quite ammusing at times though :exclamation: :exclamation:


total madness:
Why was it deleted? :unamused:

Hi total madness,

It wasn’t deleted, it was simply moved to a place where it can no longer be seen publicly.
In order to answer your question, I’ve just been to have a quick look at it.

Pick any one (or more) of the following reasons for removal:

  • There were personal attacks.
  • There were unsubstantiated ‘facts’ seemingly thrown in at random.
  • Some of the ‘facts’ were removed, but that didn’t stop posters from posting further crap.
  • If posters can’t be bothered to read and abide by Forum Rules, then I’m sorry but we don’t have time to baby sit posts to keep gossip mongers with loose tongues (and possibly TN) from being sued.

I hope this helps.

was going to give a long winded reply… but Dave seems to have covered it all :grimacing: :grimacing:

Aaaah Pyramid lives!!.. someday the truth will out, Merry Christmas to all LOL

nearly there:
Aahh so long porky

Haha… surely you jest!!! ■■?



total madness:
fair enough diesledave about 90% of it was crap but the other 10% got the point across so mission accomplished in my eyes. :smiley:

Fair play to you too mate, there were some proper facts with links to the info, but there are always some people who post wild speculation which spoils things for everybody else.

The things that got me on this topic were the idiots who tried to pass themselves off as drivers and were really the ones in charge of the company :unamused: :unamused: It did get quite ammusing at times though :exclamation: :exclamation:

All speculation dear Watson!!