Putting in for this!

Sounds great!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

would someone please tell me while im down the road week that my hours have dropped because they aint its just the way there recorded that makes it look like they have pillocks if they beleive that rubbish

Bovine excretia baffles brains

How old is the person who wrote that

10 ton lorries â– â– ?

And £35,000 a year without working any more than 48 hours per week sign me up :unamused:

Who does it suit?

All kinds of people are LGV drivers. You should like your own company

So now they tell me!!!..

Skills and Interests
To be a LGV driver, you should:

have patience and a sense of humour (the bit they missed off the end of this is have a sense of humour when they hand you your delivery notes).


No formal academic qualifications are required, but you should have basic abilities in English and maths

Does that mean no more Eastern Europeans who cant speak ANY English then?.

Ha Ha did you see this one?. learndirect-advice.co.uk/hel … rofile365/

Skills and Interests
To be a road transport manager you should:

have strong organisational skills for planning schedules

Is that a new thing for TM,s then?.

be able to think logically and analytically

Be able to spell analytically might be a better start.

be flexible and able to make decisions quickly

Should read be single minded and make decisions which enable you to get out the â– â– â– â–  at all times and be able to blame the driver for your poor planning .

Dont worry about having to poa.

Just leave it on work mode all the time unless you are actually dispoing of your time as you wish.I;E Not waiting in a tesco hut sorry i mean drivers restroom.That to me is work because your not free to do as you wish.

Leave it on work and by friday lunch time your out of hours.Early finish,jobs a good un.Tell the boss,see you monday!.
No coming in on a saturday then washing off and cleaning with the tacho out.Ready for a sunday pm start or early doors monday.

And by week 15/16 youll be needing time off to average your 48 hous out.So u’ll be sat at home being paid.

So If your working for a boss that expects you to poa all the time and work off the card and wont pay you even basic pay to recoup your hours,
Tell him/her to stuff it.

A mate of mine is on £400 a week take home all in.Including nights out.Does max hour everday and saturday run in.
He cant see it but he’s got the word mug written straight across his forehead.

Tony b

im game, count me in!! whats an lgv driver?

There isn’t a driver shortage round here, I had a job interview on Monday and the guy told me he had 64 applicants in 2 days :open_mouth:, its been very quiet on the jobs front just lately.


There isn’t a driver shortage round here, I had a job interview on Monday and the guy told me he had 64 applicants in 2 days :open_mouth:, its been very quiet on the jobs front just lately.


We seem to have an influx of EEC drivers working over here as well as in the warehouses hence the lack of Xmas rush wait until Easter when probably for the first time in this country there will be NO LGV (Large Goods Vehicle) jobs being advertised.

There is also a large amount of pitifully paid jobs about £6 an hour mosto fthe time.

I said it in another thread, there is no shortage of drivers, its a con by the agencies and driving schools.
After 30 odd years class one most of the time i am glad to be out of it.As ive got older it isnt worth the hassle.

have you quit the job for good then leslie? whyat do you do now?

Hello Mal,well you can never say never.Back bus driving at the moment, you know to the minute start and finish times.I know deep down truck driving is great, it is just RDCs, security people, can you get here in 20 minutes? etc, etc.
As i have got older, 51 now, the hassle seems to have taken its toll.I was getting to the stage where i did not want to go to work, and this time i have not missed it one iota.
We as a group seem to be increasingly poohed upon from a great height, my last employer was an agency.As a bloke he was great, as an employer a con artist and liar.Before that i worked for a large company who in many ways were ok, but the management took great delight in saying we will soon have all the drivers we need, meaning new EEC nationalities, then watch out.What annoyed me was they seemed to take great and malicious delight in telling us this.Ah well, such is life, i hope things are ok for you.

I cant argue with what you say les, theres a barrow load of grief in the job and then some! also theres a lot of people behind the desks now that couldnt drive a pig to market, yet, you are expected to tolerate their bull without knocking them out! then you get smarmy comments about eastern block drivers to boot! they will use them as a stick to beat the uk drivers with, anyone would have to be blind or retarded not to see it will happen, supply and demand its an old law!

one of the main reasons i think to buy another tractor is not to make riches as i know thats out anyway after running them for 5 years before, but to minimise the impact in my life of â– â– â– â–  heads, especially in the big firms, new stupid laws, training bollox and blah blah blah ect, ect, if you see what i mean, im out of my time really, and dont give a toss, i dont like the way things have gone! good luck with it mate! im going back (if i can get the lisence back) but i think im a maserchist! :laughing:

limits the amount of time drivers can spend on the road to 48 hours a week with no opt-out (the industry average was previously 62 hours a week).

im still out 60+ hours a week but its now got a technical name of poa, previuosly known as wasting my life away at a ndc

You’d be playing an vital role in the UK economy; LGV drivers are essential

if only joe public seen it that way :imp:

pack and unpack goods

once its off the back its not my problem :open_mouth:

The work
Large goods vehicle (LGV) drivers, previously known as heavy goods vehicle or HGV drivers, are employed to drive goods in commercial vehicles from one destination to another, usually from a supplier to a customer. They drive all kinds of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes, including rigid trucks, articulated lorries, and trucks pulling trailers and may drive long or short distances.

Drivers may be required to plan their journeys and schedule their deliveries. They are responsible for the security of their cargo during the trip.

The work may involve loading and unloading goods, sometimes with the aid of an assistant. Drivers are expected to deal with various documentation and are sometimes expected to undertake routine maintenance of their vehicles.

so not only am i a driver im a traffic planner , porter, security guard and a mechanic :blush:


Mal, totally agree with us living in a different time.My time was the mid seventies, Guy Big J, Mandator, Atkinson etc.I find younger drivers now are a different breed, they must look on me as a fossil.
Did you lose your licence for heart problems?If so have known plenty who have got licences back.
Thought about owner driving myself, but to be honest with all the rules and regulations i think it would come down to a light van.
Anyway, nice to converse with you.Take care.

I was about 5 years behind you Les i’ll be 47 next year, done some 7.5 's in 78, hgv started in 80! but, we were still on the log books, and the attitude was way different as you know. yes m8, heart attack, i need to get well, ive had the bypasses done, (5) but mrsa has done for me! so im still unable to apply at the moment.

you mention the mandator, i drive one for a while, with the 760 motor in it, and the ratchet handbrake LOL, and I just read a good article by the way on the marathon, which had the 760 aec lump blown and renamed the tl12, a great engine by all accounts. , in the classic & vintage commercials, it’s a good read. I love the old un’s! nice conversing yes!

Just you, the open road and a gleaming ten ton machine?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I get just me and the open road… but i work at 3am… And my gleaming new motor (5,000km on the clock - new 2 weeks ago…) is black now!!! Oh, and it’s 18t…

Or are 10 tonners immune to road dirt? My new merc 1823 certainly isn’t…