Puter questions

Why not send general computer questions… problems etc … to one of the many computer magazines on offer, and in return get a bit of free publicity for the trucknet site? I really think that is room here for some scope. (bare with me)

Is it not possible, that for example, someone posts a question on this site, and it is submitted as ‘question from trucknet uk user’ ?

I reliase that only a few would be published in a prestigous mag… but even if they only printed one answer per month, it would be beneficial for the mag and Trucknet, as both would advertise each other’s wares. Let’s face it… lots of truckers have puters, and lots of PC mags rely on the readership of truckers (amongt many other groups)

Trucknet is such a good site… and is well read by many people… no? yes? stupid idea?

Okies… stupid idea! :laughing: I get the message :laughing: