Pulling supermarket trailers

What if the truck is leased or contract hired

Seems strange how one person says the rate is £320 yet many operators are running this said to be impossible rate of work. :confused: Something doesnt add up

Yeah, Alan Firmin, and that firm with the silver scanias who also pull TNT trailers, name escapes me at the mo would be getting a lot more, fact. They are on for Sittingbourne depot, dunno who runs that one.

The £320 mentioned would be paid to owner drivers or small firms who are probably running on cherry, bent as a nine bob note and paying their drivers £5.45 per hour. Wincanton rarely pay any more than they have to if you get my drift…

Shytot, by the sounds of it, you are aching to get on this work, try it out and see what it’s like, you may be happy with it and I wouldn’t knock you if you are. He who dares wins Rodders :exclamation:

Let us know how you get on.

Shytot, by the sounds of it, you are aching to get on this work, try it out and see what it’s like, you may be happy with it and I wouldn’t knock you if you are. He who dares wins Rodders :exclamation:

Let us know how you get on.

My thoughts exactly. Enough questions. Stop talking about it and do it. :wink:

seems v keen
hire/lease/buy a truck fill with fuel most days then wait 60/90/120 days from the invoice date for
your money to start to trickle in, you’ve allready spent about £ 10/12000 in fuel alone (based on 150 ltrs per day and that wont get you far in an artic) never mind tax,ins,parking,repairs for a start!!!
ever heard this “theres non so blind as them that wont listen”
best of luck

no we are not interested at all, it just puzzles me why and how people do it and stay in business here in Yorkshire there are some long established hauliers that pull containers on days and supermarket / parcel company trailers on nights and stay in business and have done for years.

I think people need to get away from the 400km thing. That’s generally a maximum, I’ve done a bit of traction work. Not my own vehicles I hasten to add just as a driver. Some shifts I might goto Bradford 3 times from Morrisons at Wakefield and you spend more time sitting on yer ars waiting at stores. A grand total of 100km and that’s not untypical of a routine shift.
Yes sometimes you might do Leicester and back, but Pontefract and 2 drops in Leeds wouldn’t be uncommon. On days like this you could certainly make money. Not loads but a living isn’t it?

I think people need to get away from the 400km thing. That’s generally a maximum, I’ve done a bit of traction work. Not my own vehicles I hasten to add just as a driver. Some shifts I might goto Bradford 3 times from Morrisons at Wakefield and you spend more time sitting on yer ars waiting at stores. A grand total of 100km and that’s not untypical of a routine shift.
Yes sometimes you might do Leicester and back, but Pontefract and 2 drops in Leeds wouldn’t be uncommon. On days like this you could certainly make money. Not loads but a living isn’t it?

I make that shift about 190 km rather than 100. :question:

Yes but you won’t get this every day or even any day as an owner driver - they tend to shaft you!

Yeah I’ve had a bit of crap but I’ve had plenty of cream too. The bloke I drove for was running out of Morrisons for over ten years and made money. He retired a couple of years ago.

Do you know why he retired Mick ■■

I’m guessing you know who I mean. He’d had cut his teeth in Morrisons and had been doing it for possibly 10 years. He was running 6 units mostly in Morrisons.
I think he’d got to point where he’d had enough and he could afford to retire to the country. His wife hadn’t and took a bit of persuading. Good luck to the bloke, couldn’t wish to work for anyone nicer to work for

See McBurney are doing this usually pulling double deck Asda trailers. Their a well extablished company. Wouldnt have thought they’d need to ‘‘apparently’’ lower themself into no money making work?

McBurney’s are minted and would be charging accordingly. There’s firms that tell the customer the rate and there’s firms that get told the rate. Mcburney’s is in the former category.

Reading the forum on pulling supermarket trailers, surely this is in the realms of general haulage rates/container rates ,take it if you are slack but if not, concentrate on your main customer needs, if supermarket work is your bread and butter,do what many hauliers do and specialise and concentrate on this work,as many of your forum seem to do. Horses for courses. good to see some realistic figures being shared and banded about.