pulleyns info?

does anyone have any idea what pulleyns at reading are like ?

Was talking with one of their drivers awile ago,he seemed happy enough,top motors.They seem to do three weeks away then have a few days at home,usually during the middle of the week apparently.
If they are standing on a Sunday,either because of weekly rest or a driving ban,they do not get paid! Which seems quite amazing to me seeing as they are away for the company’s benefit.But,when they have the two or three days at home after doing three weeks,they get paid.Seems a roundabout way of doing things but there you go.
The driver I spoke to lived in Grimsby and so he has to have his car in Reading all the time to get home.

thanks KW, I know theres very little happening in terms of over the water work so im even thinking about working for a paddy setup tho would prefer a Uk firm any ideas?

so im even thinking about working for a paddy

if you’re refering to Irish companies, you will find lots of names and phone numbers on irish trucks coming off the boats. Holyhead, Pembroke, Birkenhead, Stranraer, Dover etc. Just don’t call them Paddy (unless that’s thier name)

ha ha! well I dont object to being called “Jock”! its a gaelic thing :wink: