Publishing registration numbers on the forum

I am a little concerned at the recent spate of people posting grievances against drivers & then publishing their registration number in a public forum.

Because we are often only hearing one side of a story this could easily be abused by anyone with an axe to grind. Where this type of behaviour will lead is hard to tell but it could potentially create serious problems for the driver on the other end of the alleged grievance, a driver who may well be innocent.

Do you think it is reasonable & fair to allow this?

My own opinion is,
Although the driver is not being directly identified, If someone feels strong enough to post their Registration number publicaly, they should at least give the other driver the right of reply.

Chances are the other driver wont be registered on here and therefore wont be able to defend themselves, or justify whatever they did.

If someone feels strongly enough to “name and shame” they should in my opinion contact the company first to try to get the other drivers point of view. Or not identify the truck.

Therefore my vote on this is NO, registration numbers should not be published


I have to agree with Rikki, since I’m a big believer in a person’s right of reply.

IMHO, once properly discussed, many grievances can probably be resolved quite amicably.

So, given that the above wouldn’t necessarily have happened, I voted “no.”




we all make mistakes so why have your reg splattered on here for one lapse of concentration :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

we all make mistakes so why have your reg splattered on here for one lapse of concentration :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

cus most people who use truckdrivers forum’s (and there are others) dont make mistake’s only those that dont use them (truckdrivers forums) do make mistakes…


we all make mistakes so why have your reg splattered on here for one lapse of concentration :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

cus most people who use truckdrivers forum’s (and there are others) dont make mistake’s only those that dont use them (truckdrivers forums) do make mistakes…

Please say that was intended as a joke :confused:

I voted “No”.

I’d like to see it made against the rules to post registration numbers in such cases.

My view on this one is a categric NO as has been said you (normally) only have a one sided story as someone who worked for a co. some time ago that subscribed to the “idiots charter” meaning the 0800 no. where you gave a reg. no. to someone and then they contacted the co. concerned which usually took about 2 or 3 weeks I don,t agree with it.

How would you like to be dragged in to the T/M,s office to be told that some body has reported you for an infringement you know nothing about for something maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago as I can,t even remember what I did 2 days ago even.

If you have a beef about bad driving you should phone the co. concerned and then if you feel so aggrieved a letter should follow it.

Also where would “Trucknet” be if someone decided to take legal action against the poster of the statement for slander or some other legal redress?

Put yourself in the shoes of the driver concerned to sudenly find him / her having their details plastered all over a site like this for everyone to see and presumably make a judgement on their driving how would you like it and me personally I wouldn,t.

Ok folks…I’ve had a conflab with the Mods about this one, and since there seems to be a) a real strength of feeling here and b) a spate of these registration numbers going up, we’ve decided to try an experiment.

I’m now going to lock this thread and put up a poll on the subject in the main forum (PDF) so as to get a rough idea from the general membership which way we should jump on this. The poll will run for 7 days after which a decision will be made and the poll archived as evidence to back up that decision. Please ensure that you vote on it if you wish to have your say taken into account.

We can’t, obviously, do this with every potential rule change and policy, but this one has come up from the community so let’s allow the community to decide. :bulb:

See you on the new thread…:grimacing: