PSA test should be routine

Test for prostate cancer,simple blood test by a nurse,they only do one if symptons arise,by that time it may be too late.RIP Bob Monkhouse.It can be done with the cholestrol tests by simply ticking the PSA box on the surgerys form.

Test for prostate cancer,simple blood test by a nurse,they only do one if symptons arise,by that time it may be too late.RIP Bob Monkhouse.It can be done with the cholestrol tests by simply ticking the PSA box on the surgerys form.

Hi Toby,

I’ll second that…

I’ve already written on exactly that subject here: :arrow_right: CLICKY

For those who can’t be bothered to click the link, the message is clear…

If you’re going to have a blood test FOR ANY REASON, ask for a PSA test.

Dave’s mythbuster:
They won’t need to puncture you any more than they were going to anyway…
It doesn’t cost anything…
They just do another test ON THE SAME BLOOD that they’re taking…
You’ll get the result at the same time as you get your other results…
You have NOTHING TO LOSE, except possibly your life if you don’t ask for the test.

For the “I don’t like needles” brigade, you get a simple choice…
EITHER, suffer a little needle now and again, OR suffer LOTS OF BIG NEEDLES QUITE FREQUENTLY if your number happens to come out of the prostate cancer ‘hat.’
As Clint Eastwood said in a film: “do you feel lucky?” Well now I’m asking too, do you feel lucky??

I went for a blood test TODAY.
Here’s my wound neatly taped:

After an hour, I could remove the dressing…
:open_mouth: OMG, look at all that blood :open_mouth: (Yes, it’s a real pic, the loss is tiny.)

You’ve suffered far worse cuts when shaving, trust me. :wink:

This next bit isn’t a myth….

At 13:00 hrs on Christmas Day 2002, I lost my dad to prostate cancer. :frowning:

Or read this, in fact do not click away from this page until you have. for Georges sake :exclamation:
