Now lads n lassies it lookis like ill be moving back into my lorry soon so have gotten me a ps3 to go with my tv that i going to mount on the wall… I asked a gd mate of mine how he did it and ge said he used the microwave lead in a xf to connect the inverter too… So im just wonderin what size inverter ill need for this n my tv… Its aps3 slimline. Also howdo i connect it too the microwave lead with out blowing up the inverter like i did last time… Would ask my buddy but hes sleeping all day so har to catch him…thanks in advance
I used to have a ps2 in the cab with an old style tv/video combi. I ran that from a 300 watt invertor with no problems. Connection should be easy enough, red is + black is -
Ye i did the same with y ps2. Iv lost my other inverter but no idea where will need to buy a new one which will be a 600wAtt. More then adiquate.
I saw some invertors on ebay that were quite reasonable.