Professional considering HGV

Hi eveyone

Im newbie on here and looking to hear from former professionals who have moved on to HGV driving and their thoughts.

As a change of career from field sales, went to university in my early 40s and gained a law degree. After putting up with paralegal wages for a few years, I finally qualified as a solicitor 3 years ago going into conveyacing (not what I really wanted but was the only way of getting a training contract with a firm). However clients and agents constantly emailing and calling for updates and getting annoyed if you dont respond within day. I dont regret qualifying as can always come back but now thinking of doing HGV as so sick of constant emails and calls. Money very similar and yes, with time will earn more as solicitor but that means double the workload.

My question therefore, was it worth making the change?

Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Many on here will say no don’t do it, pointing to the terrible facilities, idiots on the road to contend with, long unsocial hours and being treated like dirt every day.

Most of them have done it since before I was born, so I’m not going to argue, but I think there comes a point in office/admin or professional work where the dread of emails gets too much and forces you to look elsewhere. There have been a few similar posts to this in the last couple of years so I think it is becoming more and more common.

I did it in a sales role for 11 years after graduating from uni and decided to make the switch to HGV driving (albeit on agency only atm) at the end of 2023 and I’ve not regretted it (yet).

I did however spend a bit of time in a van driving job on weekends to build up some funds for the courses, whilst deciding if it was definitely for me.

So I’d say go for it, but ideally do it while you are still employed, as you are unlikely to walk into the perfect driving job for a while after passing your test/s (depending on if you go straight to Class 1 or not). Check with local colleges in your area also, to see if there are any funding options available. One of my friends has just got his Class 2, fully funded by a college in South Wales.

Hope this is helpful in some way. The links for newbies in this forum are excellent for anybody getting started so be sure to check them out!

As above, try agency van driving first.

If that doesn’t put you off, give it a go.

Good luck.

Many thanks for taking the time to respond. I am definitely giving it serious consideration and I am currently saving which will take a while and if my work takes its toll, probably take the leap as pretty much the same money. I have noted the hours are long but tbh, I know plenty of solicitors who do over 12 hours a day and i definitely do mentally. When the my day is done,my mind is thinking of what I need to do next day (inc sending myself email reminders). The reason that got me considering is that HGV is not all long distance. When my car broke down and could not get fixed, I asked the recovery guy how long he has been a mechanic, and he said he was not. He done his HGV as was tired of being an electrician and dealing with customers. He said he earned more doing the recovery driving, only who two nights a week and one weekend a month which he knew about two months in advance so did not impact on family life. The same with the building supplies man who delivered to me. Early start and pretty much local work only with one saturday in in four. Thanks again.

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Thanks mate

Yea, there is a lot of variety in HGV work, depending on what part of the country you’re in.

It was the constant emails that got to me in the end. It is a real hamster wheel that never really stops.

I’d have thought it easier and more financially rewarding to change branches of soliciting. Funny how that term relates to two unrelated (?) occupations. :rofl: :wink:

ditto on the hamster wheel, it starts to slow down and you arrive in the morning with 50 plus emails and the wheel starts again

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LOL…wish it was that easy. Too change an area of practise is pretty much starting again on paralegal wage as you cant earn the firm any fees to you learn the new area of law. Like an engineer on wind turbines wanting to do aircraft, has to start again

Ndg71, don’t bother with just hgv driving.

Get class 2, get crane company to train you as mobile crane driver/operator, or get mobile crane ticket separately.

Then earn double and even triple what you’d earn as a hgv driver. Don’t even have to worry about tacho card or WTD.

Less stress, easy and more interesting work.

If you want to make it more interesting you can also get your slinger/banksman ticket like I have.


thanks marky P

hi noticed your mentioned cranes on other posts. are you allow to say your company? looks like something i could be interested in

I might have mentioned it in one post. I’ll DM you

If you get upset that that your clients, who are the ones paying you a lot of money for your professional services, expect the courtesy of an acknowledging reply the same day, then I don’t think being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it is going to go down very well.

I moved into HGV work in my 40s and I’m still learning now after 4 years on the road (on and off).
If you like tramping and the trucking lifestyle of being away from home then get your class 1. That’s my style as the commute is over an hour and a half round trip and I’m not running up my expenses needlessly on that.
Get used to the tacho with Class 2 or 7.5 tonne work. You do that you build yourself in gradually (which is what I did).
I started 7.5 tonne (grandfather rights), then class 2, then class 1. 7.5 tonne is slave-work imho, at least the ■■■■ I got shoveled was (cage work multi-drop AND locker dispersal). Your mileage may vary but this is where you are treated as a labourer who happens to drive as opposed to a professional driver who does a bit of labouring.
Class 2 is better as usually less drops and more of the haulage side.
Class 1 you are pretty much (in my opinion) at the upper end of the hierarchy, but it’s more challenging and in some ways more physically demanding if trailer swaps are part of your work. But if you nail it it’s all gravy (most of the time).

Many thanks for your kind insight. Interested in tramping but will not go down with the wife as have young family (started late with the kids). So essentially be looking for being at home. I have narrowed down the industries I am interested in, such as tipper work/concrete ( we have a nearby port in which a lot the aggregates suppliers operate from,) building suppliers and maybe waste management, the last two being local based work so no big commute.

Nothing wrong with class 1 cage work. I actively chose that over anything else. I’ll be on cages till I drop.

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I’m retired now, but when driving I enjoyed using manual pallet trucks to tip trailers. A good bit of low impact exercise now and again does (almost :wink:) no one any harm.
Use it, or lose it.

Yeah, except this was class 3 / 7.5 tonne cage work so you had triple, even quadruple the number of drops.
They even had you doing Van work and once even with a cage side-ways in you had to decant and load and unload just to get it into the van etc.
Never again like that.

We get anything up to 11 drops and 45 cages often filled just with alcohol. Pushing them over broken drives, cobbles and steep ramps. We have to decant into a second cage when the loaders put too much in. Barked at by some store managers 'put it here! that one over there’s. Have to pull a cage sideways a couple of times a week the length of whatever trailer I’m pulling.