Problems with uploading to my album

I’m having problems uploading pics, i’m doing the same as i have done before but when ive uploaded and submitted it says image does not exist,the same with all 3 pics i have tried to add today.

I know there is a new way of adding a pic to posts which i have no problem using,and works fine,but does not seem to have this option with the users album section.

Also is there anyaway of deleting just those 3 i have tried to upload to my album as there is no pic there or do i have to delete the whole lot?


I’m having problems uploading pics, i’m doing the same as i have done before but when ive uploaded and submitted it says image does not exist,the same with all 3 pics i have tried to add today.

I know there is a new way of adding a pic to posts which i have no problem using,and works fine,but does not seem to have this option with the users album section.

Also is there anyaway of deleting just those 3 i have tried to upload to my album as there is no pic there or do i have to delete the whole lot?


I had the same problem when I tried to use the gallery :blush:

We updated to the latest version of the board software last week so this may be a bug from that have asked the tech guys to take a look…

Ok cheers,i thought i was doing something wrong somewhere :blush:

How do i delete the 3 invisible photo’s in my album that didn’t upload,as the information for them and space of a photo there but no picture.


I’ve managed to work it now !! I wasn’t putting anything in the “Image description” box ( I didn’t feel the need to describe it but it looks like the uploader disagreed ) :wink:

How do i delete the 3 invisible photo’s in my album that didn’t upload,as the information for them and space of a photo there but no picture.


I’ve just looked at your album and I can’t see any invisible ones ( I might need to think about that !) , on the ones in my album there was a moderate button below each picture which gave me the option to delete them, you may not have this though as I have different permissions :blush:

I have sorted this now i have just deleted the whole album and started again from scratch.

I can also see how to delete and edit each one now which was not happening before.