Problems logging in

I’ve had no problems myself but I’ve been contacted by another member asking if there are any issues with the server because apparently he’s having trouble logging in since Wednesday, I also noticed that a few other people were having problems earlier today.

So I can pass back any information, Is anything known or is it just a case of the server having a bad few days or the Internet on a go-slow or something.

There is a network problem which is beng worked on… some people can get access some cant

There is a network problem which is beng worked on… some people can get access some cant

OK thanks I’ll let him know.

Thank you Tachograph for relaying the information in.

I could access the front news page but as soon as I tried to get to the actual forum I got an Error 404. I even tried accessing it via a Proxy to no avail :frowning:

Then this morning it is working OK again, so thanks to your network engineers for fixing it.

I managed to find out the IP address for the forum but it wouldn’t allow it either :frowning:

I had the exactly the same thing Saratoga, until fairly late last night :frowning:

Luckily I tried one last time, and got in for my virtual diesel fumes fix fairly late on :sunglasses: :unamused: :laughing: