Probably a stupid question

Wife has been on at me about getting something checked but I have been putting it off as just stress, so just out of curiosity I would like your feedback on this little issue.

For the past 6 months I have noticed my right hand starts to shake when at rest or normal driving conditions, when I’m busy I don’t rely notice it, its not bothering me as I don’t get pain in my arm or hand, it now and again feels a little stiff (My hand that is) could it be a spot of arthritis? it doesn’t effect my driving.

any of you had this issue?

Sent you a PM dave

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Partners dad had to have an operation on his hands. Had one finger cut down and tendons cut in his hands to release his pose because his hands where like he was still holding a steering wheel lol.

He’s all better now.

When I’m driving I’ve got into the habit of stretching a hand out one at a time in the hope my hands don’t go like that.

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Took your advice, been at the clinic most of the morning, def not the outcome I was hoping for but ■■■■ happens, bit tick on all you guys who said Parkinson’s, already on meds for the tremors now waiting to see neurologist for further tests, the light at the end of the tunnel seems to have gone dark for now, just need time to sort this crap out.

Thanks for the support and advice guys.

Best Wishes
Big Dave.

Took your advice, been at the clinic most of the morning, def not the outcome I was hoping for but [zb] happens, bit tick on all you guys who said Parkinson’s, already on meds for the tremors now waiting to see neurologist for further tests, the light at the end of the tunnel seems to have gone dark for now, just need time to sort this crap out.

Thanks for the support and advice guys.

Best Wishes
Big Dave.

Thought it might be unfortunately as I know two people who developed it but they’re doing ok and are on medication so all the best.

Regardless of what us drivers (read: not doctors) say, get it checked.

I believe the queen had the same problem…her physician said it was Waving hand syndrome she doesnt do it anymore now. :smiley: