Private message.

Can anybody tell me how I’ve received a private message when they are turned off ?

can’t block mods/ admins, otherwise report it and they’ll see it and act appropriately

can’t block mods/ admins, otherwise report it and they’ll see it and act appropriately

It wasn’t admin or mod.

Dunno mate. I tried adding you as a friend to see of that would enable it - but it didn’t :confused:

The Sarge:
Dunno mate. I tried adding you as a friend to see of that would enable it - but it didn’t :confused:

Thanks but private messages are definitely off, oh well I’m sure a mod will pick this up.

Who wants to pm you anyway :sunglasses:

Who wants to pm you anyway :sunglasses:

I know normally folks don’t want to bother with me :confused: :blush:

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh if you’re lonely I’ll talk to you, I’ve even been known to speak to meself as I like an intelligent conversation …

bald bloke:
Can anybody tell me how I’ve received a private message when they are turned off ?

Hi bb,

Was it a proper PM, or was it just a notification of a PM please?

I’ll send him a pm and ask him.

Think I’ve only received 6 pm’s in my time, and 5 of them were from Limeyphil asking me to bring some “stuff” back in for him! :wink:


bald bloke:
Can anybody tell me how I’ve received a private message when they are turned off ?

Hi bb,

Was it a proper PM, or was it just a notification of a PM please?

It was a proper pm asking me to give my opinion on the subject of eating/ drinking whist driving, it’s to do with the “and we wonder why we have a bad name” thread.

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh if you’re lonely I’ll talk to you, I’ve even been known to speak to meself as I like an intelligent conversation …

Don’t encourage him Ray , im sure that’s the reason he went to the green ■■■ tappers :laughing: :laughing:

@ dieseldave

Are you aware your PM is disabled :wink:

@ dieseldave

Are you aware your PM is disabled :wink:

I’ve been trying send him a PM, anyway thanks for sorting it out I understood that PM you sent me .

bald bloke:

@ dieseldave

Are you aware your PM is disabled :wink:

I’ve been trying send him a PM, anyway thanks for sorting it out I understood that PM you sent me .

bb and tachograph…

I’ve been down to the boiler room, pulled a couple of levers, pressed some buttons and got covered in grease, but I think it’s all fixed now.

:bulb: Thanks for your patience. :wink: :smiley:


bald bloke:

@ dieseldave

Are you aware your PM is disabled :wink:

I’ve been trying send him a PM, anyway thanks for sorting it out I understood that PM you sent me .

bb and tachograph…

I’ve been down to the boiler room, pulled a couple of levers, pressed some buttons and got covered in grease, but I think it’s all fixed now.

:bulb: Thanks for your patience. :wink: :smiley:

If someone turned off your PM then perhaps a complaint to the site manager is in order :bulb: :question: :wink: :laughing:

If someone turned off your PM then perhaps a complaint to the site manager is in order :bulb: :question: :wink: :laughing:

I’ve already had a word with him. :grimacing: :wink: