Privacy or blacked out windows

Seen traffic police using measuring devices to measure if a window conforms to the law for visibilty.How much is allowed,and what units is the data measured in,what is the machine called to do this.The police say,too much is a danger,as the car driver would not be able to have clear vision to see an oncoming motorcylist.Many bikers have died,where the driver failed to spot them through blacked out windows.This would be n/s and o/s windows,not the back windows,in question.

I wonder if they will be bringing out an instrument for measuring curtains on the side window of trucks!
I have heard on good authority that from next year all major truck manufacturers are offering a no cost option of deleted side windows on trucks.
This is apparently due to the demand of drivers who don’t wish to be seen from the side. Sure to be a winner. They are also considering removal of the front screen with forward vision through a periscope, so allowing a full size Gaggia expresso machines to be mounted in front of the driver.

Les zizis des routiers sont sympas

the minumum amount of light allowed through is 75%, anything less than that and you are in trouble, they will do you, i only know because I got done for it, they dont test the rear windows or anything passed the B pillar.

My wee 206 is limo black at the rear which is fine but then I have quite a big sunstrip on her that gets me a lot of jip, I just promise to take it off when I get home lol.

Best way to tint is go limo black at the rear and light smoke at the front, light front is still illegal on the front n/s and o/s but its not as noticable during daylight to Mr. Law Enforcer lol

Most newer cars have it stamped on them whaty %age they are tinted from Factory… My 53 Plate Vectra had it stamped into the glass 75%, so you could go no further than that, but as has been said above, from the B Pillar back you can do what you like, its only the front side windows and screen they are interested in…

If I had my way id have my car back to limo black at the rear and front o/s and n/s and a black sunstrip like my saxo had lol. I chanced mot with it like that and they laughed at me!!

Ive seen a white topline coming off the ferry in Larne a few times and its got dark smoke window tints. It looks the part because the cab is completely coulor coded white then the dark windows plus all the usual bling!!

Best way to tint is go limo black at the rear and light smoke at the front, light front is still illegal on the front n/s and o/s but its not as noticable during daylight to Mr. Law Enforcer lol

…unless he has a special toy to measure it.

Straight from the horse’s mouth…

there are also rules about motorbike visors…too dark and you are in trouble…
last time i got new specs from specsavers i got a 2 for 1 offer…2nd pair were tinted…i was offered 2 tints,1 darker than the other…she asked if i would be using them for driving?..if so she said to have the lighter tint as the darker one weas illegal for driving!


I think it’s a good thing that it’s enforced. Car drivers seem to have enough trouble seeing my big white lorry with headlights on coming towards them at a junction in broad daylight, quite often they pull out forcing me to brake hard… :unamused:

At least with sunglasses you can take them off in dusk/night conditions. With window tints, you can’t.

Can get nicked in italy for not taking sunglasses of while going through a tunnel.