Privacy issue

Can anyone explain why, all of sudden, we get to see the name of the poster every time an alert to a new post pops up in our emails?

I thought the whole point of using monikers / user names was to preserve our privacy unless we chose to reveal it. In my case that’s a bit academy anyway but I am questioning the principle of the thing. If I can see everyone else’s real-life names, then everyone else can see mine.

If I wished to remain anonymous on TNUK I’d be off it like a scalded rabbit if I saw everyone else’s names splashed all over my alert-emails.

This needs explaining, please!

Can’t say that I’ve noticed that to be honest. I just get the username popping up. Having said that I never read the emails and simply delete them when they pop up, so you may well be correct.

Nope, just checked as I received an email alerting me that Franglais responded to me . I opened it and it contained no other poster details save his username.

It did not include his full name, address, credit card details and CVV, not at all, no Siree :joy::joy::joy:

Let ME know if it does…:joy::joy:

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i think its due to one persons settings as i have noticed it i did try and pm them to let them know but they didnt respond.

I dont even get e.mails anymore telling me of a response.
I think they are ‘out to get me’.:joy:

its the anti far right branch of government screening them to see if you can be arrested.

I’m not seeing any names in email notifications other than the members username.

I’m not sure if you’ve put your real name on TN but even when I click on your avatar all I’m seeing is your current and previous usernames.

As far as I can see you’re as anonymous as you wish to be, in fact unless you’ve put your real name in the “Name” box in your account preferences I don’t see how it can be seen by anyone :confused:

the person im taking about has done just that and when you click on his username it shows his real name.

@les_sylphides and anyone else too:
To check your own security settings,
Click on your name/icon.
On the drop down menu, click on the head /shoulders profile.
Click on “Preferences” you should see your own email address, and underneath it it’s status.

Mine says “show everyone except RR and Maoster”


On a side note, why are posts in the feedback forum not linked to the post your replying to like in other forums ?

edit: OK now the posts seem to be linking, this place is a bit buggy imo :frowning_face:

below that is where it says name i think some have filled it in. Beacuse i just filled mine in with 1234 and it shows that now if you click on my id

Thank Franglais. Just been into my ‘head & shoulders’ icon and discovered that I’d clicked the ‘Never shown to the public’ choice when I re-entered TN2. :grinning: :+1:

I also clicked onto your icon and saw nothing personal, so I guess you are all fine.

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You can unsubsrcibe from emails (email inbox).

Credit where credit is due…I did find that funny :grin: