They had a short bit on NPR this morning (I think it was on the weekly Radio Deutche Welle show they send us here in the US), and I nearly crashed my car from laughing so hard! This has to be almost as funny as our “director of homeland security” giving us vauge chicken-little warnings from time to time.
Has the British government lost it’s mind as well??
BTW, any links to the audio files■■?
Love the Welsh translation…
he`s in my local paper… oh dear oh dear… the government do not like that
we had one of those mad booklets through the door it went it went in the bin, theyre just trying to put the scare on folk, aresholes!
Has the British government lost it’s mind as well??
Well, youd think so, but I reckon they know exactly whet theyre doing, scared people can have the ■■■■ took out of them easily, and do like thyer told.