Poxy sql messages


Any ideas please staff, can’t post nowt, I can hear the sighs of relief yes, but it’s bloody annoying.

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

I’ve an idea…give us more details of what the “poxy sql messages” are and we may be able to have them looked at. :unamused:

ive another idea…how come we are able to read a post stating ( in a regional accent )…i cant post anything?.. :confused:


Any ideas please staff, can’t post nowt, I can hear the sighs of relief yes, but it’s bloody annoying.

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

Hi Benji83,

There are several possible causes of the problem that you’re experiencing, so I propose that the first step is that we tackle the commonest cause in the following way:

1 Please log out of TN (properly) then turn off your router/device/mobile phone
2 Wait a couple of minutes.
3 Turn your router/mobile device back on again, then allow a couple of minutes for it to settle.
4 Log back in to TN, then attempt to post as normal.

Once you’ve followed the numbered steps above, a good test would be if you try to post the outcome please?



Any ideas please staff, can’t post nowt, I can hear the sighs of relief yes, but it’s bloody annoying.

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

Hi Benji83,

There are several possible causes of the problem that you’re experiencing, so I propose that the first step is that we tackle the commonest cause in the following way:

1 Please log out of TN (properly) then turn off your router/device/mobile phone
2 Wait a couple of minutes.
3 Turn your router/mobile device back on again, then allow a couple of minutes for it to settle.
4 Log back in to TN, then attempt to post as normal.

Once you’ve followed the numbered steps above, a good test would be if you try to post the outcome please?

Cheers Mr Dave…

I’m using Tapatalk…

And I’ve no idea of my password, I’ve had to reset it so many times due to these sql messages, works for a bit a boom they back[emoji24]

Main one is ‘mysql4’?

FAO Mr Dog…

Exactly, that’s my point lol.
It wont let me reply to certain threads, and will also randomly stop me sending pms lol

FAO my Colin…

They are so mixed, the sql stays the same but the number codes
are all different, too many too list, it’s infuriating but sql4 seems most prolific?

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