I’m thinking of buying a power washer but haven’t a clue which make to go for or whether to buy a diesel or electric washer. I’ll be using it to clean my :sunglasses: , dare i say it? :smiling_imp: Tipper grab. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Diesel,because they are more powerfull and i don’t think you can steam clean with an electric :confused: :smiley:

we have electric one…its a big un though…for an idea it just fits on a mini digger trailer…heats up the water and has soap function…would strip tarmac from yer clam no problem…

We have a Nilfisk one, it’s the first Jet Washer our companys had that’s lasted more than a year. Also everything on it can be bought seperately so if a part breaks you don’t have to junk the whole washer.