Possible first job!

Well today I signed up with an agency (driverhire). The guy seemed quite confident that he will be able to get me regular work (due to my current job, I can only work monday and tuesday), and he said he will get back to me at the end of the week to tell me where I’m goin and what I’m doin! If I can get regular work, and I’m happy with the job, I told him I’m happy to hand in my notice at the security place, so we will see what work I’ll be doing! The first time I called them a month or so ago, I got the whole ‘2 years experience’ thing that everywhere else has told me, but I called him back yesterday, and basically said that I’m not gonna be able to get any experience if nobody is going to give me a chance to work, I said that I would be willing to do a day or two’s work with an experienced driver to show I can drive, and get shown the ropes, at which point his interest perked, and asked me to go to the office to sign up!

Fingers crossed this is going to be the start of many manic hours on the road!

good for u , going out with another driver is a great way to learn the ropes, ive done that myself to show my worth and its paid off , what i will say though is be careful you dont get taken advantage of , I would say a days driving would be ample for them to asess if you are safe or not , so dont let the agency take advantage , good luck with it all

jen x

I just thought of something… I’m going to continue doing security for a few weeks whist getting my foot in the proverbial door… Do my hours sat on my backside watching CCTV contribute to weekly driving hours? For example, I’m looking to ditch my Sunday shift on site work, which will knock me back to 36 hours a week… Is that gonna limit me to 9 hours driving time a week? If so, how is this chased up? Surely my security company can’t disclose my hours due to data protection… Or will they?

although we do sit on our backsides driving :wink: no this donsnt contribute its considered other work so you can work for your other job and as long as you keep your weekly rests in check you will be fine driving for a day on your days off ,
if your doing a mon to fri job (just to make it simple) you can drive one day every other week to keep within rest rules ie you must have 45 hrs rest every fortnight hope that helps

jen x

So driving Monday and Tuesday 9-5 and doing site work Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1900-0700 and even Sunday 0700-1900 will still be fine? That’s like 64 hours a week… But I would get 48 hours off work every Friday morning 0700 to Sunday morning 0700 as weekly rest… ?

yes looks fine , as long as you get your required rest periods in , but remember you have to keep records of all other work when you do any driving for eu regs , so will have to keep a log of any hours you work that are not on tacho, another thread has been talking about this on pro forum the link is


take a look should answer any questions

jen x

Well this morning I’m going to be handing in my notice at the security job. My hours are getting swapped around every week, and I just found out everyone’s hours here are getting cut as of Monday.

I’ve signed up with a second agency who say I can get full time work as soon as I have my assessment drive next week, (friend of a friend is the client and asked them personally to get me in and sign me up, which they did me day)
And the other agency has been needing me or work, but because my security shifts and been all over the place, I’ve been doing 12 hr night shifts on the night before they needed me in for work, so iv’e had to turn Down the work. Even so, they still call me up and offer me jobs… they have been more than understanding with my current employment situation… So tomorrow morning I’m going to call them up and tell them I will soon be available to start driving full time… My wife has been more than supportive, and has told me that even if I go a couple months without work, that she is happy to cover all the bills, we will just have to live a bit skint and not chuck the cash into the savings acct…

Made up isn’t the word!

Hey well done mate i never have a problem getting a job only reason being i am worse than the nigerian419 boys and dont take no as an anser. My advice to you is don,t be the agencys bich if/when things go down the pan they wont hesitate droping you

hi is this the driverhire place in aston(sheffield) been meanin to call along there myself as there closest place to me, if it was them is there somebody better to talk to than another