
“Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

Pope Benedict XVI quoting Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Paleologu

I dislike Catholics and the Pope as mush as I dislike Muslims and Islam. Its a bit of pot calling the kettle black., but what is wrong with what the Pope said?

But being a former ■■■■ youd think he would keep well clear of anything like this.

All religions are as bad as each other. The only thing that differentiates them is different holidays. It is all just primative tribalism dating back to a time when God or Allah or whatever could explain things that science could not.

Harry Monk:
All religions are as bad as each other. The only thing that differentiates them is different holidays. It is all just primative tribalism dating back to a time when God or Allah or whatever could explain things that science could not.

well said Harry.
i cant belive people still go in for all this brainwash [zb].

Exactly what he said.

All religion is hogwash brainwashing

I agree, all the wars and conflict throughout the world are caused by religion.Some of the biggest hypocryts are the people who go to church every sunday and for these muslim clerics to stand up and tell us that the muslim religion is a peaceful one well the mind boggles.
