POLL! would you like a seperate Diary forum?

Just a thought and me and 8wheels agree but would you like/prefer a Diary only forum where as 8wheels said newbies could get a feel for what particular field they would like to get into or avoid and for nosey saddo’s like me who like reading how the other half live. Maybe it would encourage a few more of you shy drivers to share your working week with us? I know there are plenty of diaries already out there across the various forums but the search facility can be a litte vague at best. Like i said just a thought .

Maybe we could even hold a monthly poll for the best diary??

Good idea

No. There are too many forums as it is, if some of the other forums were to go then I would vote yes.

I’d like to see a dedicated forum.

I always read them if I see them, however if I don’t visit for a few days it is possible to miss them in all the other (very worthwhile and relevant :smiley:) threads in the PDF.

If we had a dedicated forum they’d be easier for people to find - particularly those new to the site who are maybe contemplating joining the industry.

I feel that these are the people who would really get most benefit from an insight into the job too.

No. There are too many forums as it is, if some of the other forums were to go then I would vote yes.

I can imagine Neil sitting there thinking ‘Oh my God -not another forum to moderate!!’

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


No. There are too many forums as it is, if some of the other forums were to go then I would vote yes.

I can imagine Neil sitting there thinking ‘Oh my God -not another forum to moderate!!’

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nah, not my problem. I only mod the PDF as it is.

The very question was raised and discussed at the last ‘bash’, err :blush: Management Meeting and, for a number of reasons, including one already mentioned by Neil, (and the others, I’m not inclined to reveal :smiley: , even if I could remember them :open_mouth: :open_mouth: ), was decided against. Should the current software change, then might also the decision.


Whilst I appreciate there are “other reasons”, I’m afraid I don’t buy the “to many forums” argument.

There is a forum still running that has been closed/locked for about a year now and although I don’t know or even want to know the ins and outs of the situation, surly the drivershours guard forum is just using space that could be better used.

maybe transfer the old threads into the FAQ thread??

I for one would like a seperate diary forum, simply cos there are so many types of work that I havn’t done, a diary would give far more information than asking a question :smiley:

There is a pretty good chance that diaries in a separate forum might actually get less views than when they are in the PDF. It’s a fact of the internet that a majority of users don’t scroll down forum lists and if it isn’t at the top of the page they don’t see it. A diary forum would likely slot in somewhere down near the photo and the Where Am I? forum and a lot of visitors to TruckNet never venture down that far. If it wasn’t for the fact there is a shadow to this topic in the PDF then it wouldn’t have had the replies it has, being way down in the Feedback Forum. Yet another forum makes the list even longer.

My personal view is that 2 or 3 forums should go, another couple merged and then a diary forum created.

My personal view is that 2 or 3 forums should go, another couple merged and then a diary forum created.

Don’t you dare touch my Oldies :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: . We’re all getting older and it is bound to become the premier meeting place soon…if only we can all stay alive :unamused:

Possessive? Moi? :unamused: :sunglasses: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Diary Forum? Yes, if it can be accommodated subject to conditions already mentioned. Personally I am selective as to whose diaries I read (no names, no pack drill :wink: ) and in any case never look at forum titles apart from the first ‘duties’ of the day, preferring to hit the ‘…since last visit’ button instead.