longer nhs queues as nothing real will be done just more migrant labor the doesnt know its elbow from its knee and dont actually want to work
you mean more tacky poorly constructed houses with no infrastructure around to support them and ultimately causing a drop in house prices trapping 10’s of thousands of people that have got off their backside and got a mortgage rather than expecting the government to help them in negative equity. down turn in house prices because the area if filled with the inner city benefit scroungers ousted from where they were brought up by labors mates. rising insurance and council tax bills to pay for all the damage done by the displaced yobs. need i go on
what you mean so they can put taxes up and the cost of living goes up because there is more cash available
I have shown that under the last Labour Gov queues fell, and under successive Tory govs they have risen.
And… an unsubstantiated and racist rant.
Well houses are too cheap already, so nobody buying them will not want things to be made easy will they.
So having more cash makes us worse off? I am prepared to take that risk!
Economic gobble-de-■■■■.
If paying more taxes means we get better hospitals, schools, roads, police, military? Again, I will volunteer for that.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re based in the south aren’t you? If so you’ll never be able to understand the utter correctness of Tory-bashing. Hint: Ding dong the witch is dead…
yep im in kent. im too young to remember much about the miners strikes (i was born 1977) however i do remember the poll tax riots i know above watford gap they like to complain bitterly that they are ignored and no one cares about them in fact i am sure i have seen a map that says there be dragons above that line
in all seriousness im not sure about the red wall though i don’t think its as secure as it used to be there are plenty of people that have either been displaced from the south or moved but it is something i can never really know about as i am not from there.
I have considered moving up to yorkshire or the lakes to get away from the entitled woke attitude and to be blunt the london scum but im not sure if economics would allow it.
well im collecting signatures to get boris back anyone that likes Britain the way it used to be rather than media moguls lining their pockets deliberately twisting simple words and accusing anyone that disagrees with them of being racist stupid and all the other things feel free to sign it
Put me down for one…
If Boris did make a successful political comeback, the reaction off Frangers would be comedy gold as he sat there ‘clutching his pearls’ in a drama queen stylee.
And just think of the milage he would get out of it on TN.
I would love to see Johnson try to make a come back.
I hope that he can be persuaded to apply to be a parliamentary candidate somewhere.
In wonder which local constituency party would choose him to stand as their MP?
He has moved to Henley I believe and the sitting MP is retiring at the end of this Parliament.
Johnson was an MP there in the early 2000’s. It is as safe a seat as almost any for the Tories.
I really do like the idea of experiments in the real world to challenge the validity of theory.
So we could test the saying “they would vote for a pig if it had a blue rosette”, couldn’t we?
I choose what to say in my posts.
If you want a list of impossible promises and predictions, self contradictory statements, and blatant fact twisting, go read a politician’s speech.
Ok so despite your obvious alliegance to a certain party, you have not got enough confidence in them (or any) to back them up to point out that they are actually better than the Tories so would do a much better job of running the country …not even a link .
I do find that strange after all your past and regular bluster.
Kinda tells the tale that in essence you do actually think the same as the majority of the country…that they are basically all the same but wear differnt colours.
As for your reply to the question it’s a bit like you saying ‘Half past 7’ after I asked you if you were ok.
People who move from the south to the north probably do it for:
A: economic reasons such as a new job,
B: to leave behind the general unpleasantness of city life in the south - even on a bad day northerners are still more friendly than southerners, who are shocked when we are sociable to complete strangers
C: they’ve discovered we have (relatively) affordable housing.
The days of flat caps and whippets are mostly gone, but if you do decide to relocate, it would be surprising to me if you regretted it - I’ve yet to meet a displaced southerner who pines to be back darn sarf
I’m not certain if you’re joking or not; if you’re not joking, then I hope CF and Winseer et al have approved your membership application for the Loony Tunes brigade
i kinda fit into group b not that i live in a city but i predict that in 20 years London will reach down to ramsgate there has been so much spillage out of london it is unreal. here is the rub though i earn around 750 a week i have to save 300 of that for my bills. the rest is for food bakki petrol and general stuff. having looked around loosely i would struggle to make that.
The other issue of course is i would have to learn how to round the cost of things wrong
If labor are to win the next gm they would need to win 126 seats The majority of these seats are going to have to be won from the conservatives. Very few people i would say will switch from the other parties in the hope of getting rid of the conservatives.
on the other side of the coin the conservatives only have to loose 23 seats to loose the majority if that happens which is a possibility because we now are in an era the young wont remember the total abortion labor made last time and we now live in a woke and entitled society. God alone knows what will happen.
You might also have to learn to construct more readable sentences… That makes no sense, but has implications of some attempt at a being a dig?
Not that we care - two words to break the heart of any southerner: Affordable Housing
Here’s a random sampling from Rightmove, in the Tory stronghold of Yarm, (yes really, it’s as “Blue” as any Cotswold constituency), a nice little “market town” with at least one private school and all the trendy trappings southerners might desire: wine bars, bistros, bespoke coffee shops, gourmet this, artisan that…
Two bed semi for £160,000.