Political discussions...

So finally after 9 years I get my democracy back this year, and what am I faced with as a choice? A bunch of useless self improvers. It beggars belief.

It’s all very well voting tactically to keep the worst ones out, but both major parties fall into that category.

Johnson was talking in the USA this week.
Still selling the same lies.
Quick video.

And Johnson’s sister was on Norwegian TV,
A longer video (6mins) that contains a short bit of her

And hands up !
I made a mistake in an earlier post.
Rather than go back and edit it out of sight, here 'tis.

I was wrong: there has been a recent change.
Explained here

And a 2minute video here.

So now it is apparent why Atkins could not point out and name any trusts that were doing better.
There aren’t any.

I won’t call her nor Sunak liars.
I’ll just leave the above to speak for itself.

the wall street crash happened in October 1929 they had plenty of warning of what effect it was having over here what did they do…spend spend spend. Now i havent got an economics degree or anything but if i know that something is going to happen in the reasonably near future i dont go out and spend all my savings im sure you wouldn’t either.

again look at the causality who gave the power to the coal and rail unions couldn’t possibly be harold wilson could it?

I did forget the winter of discontent as well in 1978-1979

ill treat you all to my opinion on the gdp in a seperate post as i dont have time at this moment but suffice to say because of the way it is used it is meaningless.
the national debt exponentially increasing has all to do with national spending and then borrowing to cover it.

to look at your stats the same way you looked at the stats on the police force…

blair/brown rose 35% in 13 years = 2.69% a year average
conservatives rose 14% in 9 years = 1.56% a year on average

but it is worse than this if your going to measure it against gdp the gdp rate was higher under blair/brown.

so no it didnt get worse and the conservatives did improve it

most Britons are fed up with it. they are fed up to the back teeth of both parents working hard to make ends meet and having to decide which is more important pay the electric bill or get medication while their neighbor down the street lays in bed till mid day drives round in a nice car and has 2 or 3 big holidays a year with their umpteen children.

most britons are fed up having to struggle to see a gp or get a hospital appointment because the system is clogged up with people that have never contributed both forign and domestic

ill give you a personal example when i was off work with my back all i was entitled to was 110 pounds a week ssp. because i was getting that i wasn’t entitled to universal credit despite it being under their monthly cap. I couldn’t legally be sacked and if i quit i wouldn’t be entitled to anything. I had to borrow money to pay for my medication because i didn’t get free prescriptions either. At least twice i saw this lady in the pharmacy complaining that she was in pain because she had been to this country or that country and been on a plane for x amount of hours while happily paying nothing for her 3 bag fulls of meds.

so no in a nutshell most Britons are not happy

i agree for a socialist life style you need to have money coming too bad labour have never learnt that one huh.

incidently …
state schools 1902 conservative
sick pay 1983 thatcher
state pension 1909 liberal

that’s worthy of windseer et al
if i have nhs treatment as a brit then there is no bill so how can i look at it. If i am paying privatly then i have to look at it to see how much i owe

if thats a dig at me from the other day you commented on the post as i was adding more information and couldn’t add it in a separate post as i was on the three post limit

That is fair enough

That is nonsense
The debt was bigger at the end of the Con term than at the beginning therefore it was worse.

5th may 1948 Attlee.

The 1902 act allowed councils to set up secondary schools. No compulsion.
Education act 1918 banned fees for elementary education. Coalition Gov.

Yep. When the Labour party was 9 years old.

No dig intended.
If I had gone back would anyone have seen it?

So, what of the content of the post?
The change in NHS waiting list methodology?
Sunak and Atkins not taking that into count when claiming improvements??

My thoughts on gdp simply put it doesnt achieve anything . On a simplistic example you and i both own a shop each. we each have 10 pounds in our wallets I come to you and buy an item for 1 pound i know have 9 pounds and you have 11 then the next day you come to my shop and buy an item for a pound. Neither of us are any richer we both still have 10 pounds in our wallets and nothing has changed however 2 pounds has been added to the gdp.

As i said a simplistic example but multiply that by the average household spend and the number of households all jolly bon but it hasnt achieved anything. The only person that has added anything is the person that grew the food or produced the item.

Boris will never come back the conservatives wont allow it because he is for the country and making it work again. Where as the conservatives are for lining their own pockets same as labour except with the conservatives they are sort of honest about it.

I have never said cameron truss or sunak did a good job nor will i ever in fact i have repeatedly said i would only vote conservative as a means to keep labour out as any other vote would narrow the gap between labour and conservative.

Where did the first shop get the widget? Didn’t it pay the widget maker for it?
What does the 2nd shop do? Won’t it retail it?

£2 has not been added to the GDP
Nothing has.
If the first shop bought the widget for 90p and it makes a 10p profit in selling it for £1 then 10P is added to the GDP.

Think of GDP in the same way as * earnings*. Not as price.

A factory buying 50p in raw materials and paying 30p in wages to produce a 90p widget adds 10p to the GDP.

The worker takes the 30p. The raw material suppliers make 50p. Factory makes 10p. Shop makes 10p.
A total of £1 is added to the GDP.

The GDP is the end sum of a country’s production of goods and services.
It is not a total of all transactions.

PS, any comment on Atkins and the changes to waiting list counting method?

in the years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 it fell slightly from 1887.9 billion in 2016-2017 to 1829.4 billion 2018-2019

in the rest of the time period it did go up 368.5 billion in 6 years average of 61.42 per year. 2000-2001 it was 543.2 billion to 2010-2011 1519.4 an average of 98.52 billion a year.

Again i dont have an economics degree but im sure you would agree that increasing income and borrowing less while not good is better than the opposite.

i cant find much on that act and weather or not it was a choice to pay it what i can find is that in 1983 thatcher brought in ssp to standerdise the payment and that everyone would get it.

the point was that it was nothing to do with labour or the weal fare act in the 50’s

yes a coalition between conservative and liberal

You do realise the Boris was a Conservative PM?
You love him so much you’d segregate him from his party in order to deceive yourself into believing he wasn’t responsible for his own actions? Jeezuz Ker-iced :roll_eyes:

yep and as i said he wont get back in to the party as the conservatives dont want him as he wont act like the rest of them.

own actions… increasing the police force… increasing hospitals … getting brexit done… etc etc all in 2.5 years whilst dealing with a worldwide pandemic. where has he lined his own pockets

as i said the only true way to add to gdp is making or growing something i didnt say it wasn’t included.

what i object to is this
Key Takeaways. GDP can be calculated by adding up all of the money spent by consumers, businesses, and the government in a given period. It may also be calculated by adding up all of the money received by all the participants in the economy.

i will comment on atkins when i have watched the videos

Don’t blame you being upset if that is your understanding of GDP.
That is a silly definition.

GDP is the value of the end product. Not a sum of all the various processes added together.

2+2+2 = 6
The GDP is 6.
Not 2+2+2+6=12

Even Johnson wouldn…
…Hush my mouth…

Phil Moorhouse can’t believe it____
The double standards have long been evident but the doublethink and doublespeak is now_______

ok if I was running for pm
cut the dead wood from top to bottom no more inflated salaries for do nothings and cant even get that right right down to the toilet cleaner if you cant do it right or don’t wish to there is the door and replace them with proper management that are accountable for every penny they spend etc.

As for doctors and nurses if there is a real shortage give them proper on the job training as well as subsadised courses. However to qualify for the grants you have to stay and work at your trained level with in the nhs for a period of time.

Gp’s paid a fixed salary with a minimum quota of patients to actually treat not just send up to the a and e because they cant be bothered to deal with it or late for their game of golf. Their hours should also be staggered so that those working can get into see them with out either having to wait for a day off or take a day off.

This could be paid for by a nominal charge at the point of delivery for gp’s and bigger charges at the a and e if it isn’t an emergency. This would also help reduce the difficulty in getting a gp appointment as less people would go to the gp/a and e for unnecessary things. The other way of raising the funds is to charge anyone over working age that has not paid into the system ie national insurance contributions if a british citizen on a sliding scale. anyone that is a british citizen but too young to be of working age or reach the top of the sliding scale or cannot work through disability or whatever has the parents contributions taken into account. This would also reduce waiting times.

scrap any benefit that allows someone to live better than someone who lives with in their means and works. Go back to the 60’s or 70’s where you had to go and work in the community clearing snow or cutting verges and grass or litter picking etc to get your dole money. If you loose your job through no fault of your own ie you dont just quit it or cause yourself to be sacked. Then for 3 months you get your full salary for that term. 3-6 months you get half your salary if you haven’t found a job after that time then your back on basic dole. This wouldn’t be means tested why should you be punished for having savings by living with in your means or by being made redundant. The dole would be means tested. to claim the dole you would have to prove that you have contributed to the system on the same basis as above

I would boost the job market by incentivising proper qualifications that give proper marketable skills like engineering or tool making. Again as with the nurses and doctors if you took advantage of the grants etc you would have to work with in the industry at your qualification level for a number of years in this country.

Ban the stupid rule that allows you to bring in cheap labor from other countries just because you have an office there when other British people could do the job unless it can be proven that someone is needed for a specific purpose for a specific amount of time that cant be done by a British worker given reasonable training.

I would also stop companies in Britain registering outside the uk or making their product outside the uk to be sold on the British market. Also any products that want to be sold here have to be made here where possible. ie if nissan want to sell their cars here it has to be made here. If anything wants to be labled as made in the uk it has to be made here not just assembled here.

Any money brought in or out of the country is taxable on top of any tax already paid.

First and foremost people that are born british citizans or have taught for the british army etc get priority after that if there isn’t a single person left on the street that doesn’t want to live on the street then look at immigration if and only if they have fled a country to save their life and isnt of their own making and havent come from or crossed a country that they would be safe in.

Social housing stock to be claimed back from or proper rent charged at above market value for anyone that could afford to rent privately or buy. Maximum three bed house’s with parents of 2 boys or 2 girls able to access them.

260,000 plus homes that are abandoned would be brought back into the housing market. if someone wants a second home they have to spend equal time there or rent it out.

if this doesnt fix the housing then build in sensible ways providing infrastructure and jobs alongside housing. All housing would be built by a commity based selection rather than wanting to build houses because my doners and mates own building companies.

Immigration and migration.
I have kinda covered refugee immigration above but for educational purposes it would be allowed provided the student is studying a course that is on a pre approved list at a approved school/uni and on completion lives and works using their qualification in the country for a number of years. working for both migration and immigration purposes would be under the strict rule of if only a non british person couldnt be reasonably trained.

Just following on from my…
'They are ALL the effin same whatever party they represent ’ theme.
I’m amazed that the political ‘experts’ :joy: on here can not see it.
Just been listening on Sky (after watching the football …4 nil to the Toon btw…get in :sunglasses: :grin: ) to some second rate nonentity virtually unknown MP, representing Labour, (but she could just as much been a Tory)

She has spent the last 5 minutes droneing on about what they are going to do,.and how much better life will be when they get in,.and how bad the opposing party has done… yawn yawn.

If they all actually delivered what they promised,
(after saying that Boris delivered on Brexit…afternoon Frangers :joy: )
life would be a nirvana on earth…or more likely NOT. :roll_eyes:

I remember as a kid, my Dad telling our local MP who was canvassing for votes , that he only ever heard of or saw him when he wanted a vote, so to go and ■■■■ off. :joy:

Think I may carry on that family tradition when they knock on my door this time.:thinking:

least they knock on your door. all we get is a single flyer through the door that hasnt changed much in 13 years

I loved that episode with Brown and the mike left on in the back of his car.:joy:
If that did not show ‘true colours’ as an absolute example, nothing did.

Then came the ‘back peddaling’ damage limitation episode of an half arsed (non genuine ) apology which only made him look an even bigger prat than he already was…(is)

Both cringeworthiness and comedy gold simultaneously . :joy:

@franglais you asked for my comment on your added info re attkins this morning. it is not clear why this 36000 cases weren’t included if that is true and if that is true why didn’t the presenter ask her. these presenters never seem to ask the pertinent questions they always go for the media soundbites
It is almost as if the dialogue or at least the questions are agreed beforehand.

judging by this link from 11 of jan

it does look as if the numbers are falling and people are waiting less time for ambulances.

I cant find the article where she named those particular trusts but i wonder if she said something along the lines of in general the the numbers are falling however these trusts they aren’t or these trusts aren’t doing so well then got hauled over the coals for pinpointing areas where extra improvement or scrutiny are needed. As a result she cant say these areas/trusts are doing well.