You can’t go around saying reasonable things like that, it doesn’t fit in with your far right, racist, little Britain agenda.
Same as the Afghan refugees, who along with the USA we are largely responsible for the chaos in their country. The same with Ukraine. Genuine refugees fleeing genuine wars. No problem with taking those people in as far as I am concerned.
Legal, illegal, irregular whatever any of them fall under, we can’t even look after our own legal population.
Has the world opened their doors to the Gazan population whilst Israel commit ethnic cleansing…no. Selective when it comes to genocide?
Given Britain drew up the Balfour agreement in 1917 and then in 1948 Israel was established ending Britain’s rule over Palestine, we are very responsible for what has happened in that part of the world. No refugees from Gaza, so none from other problem countries.
Yeah but that is all this lot do.
All words, all rhetoric, no substance.
At least Boris despite all his bluster actually got stuff done…(cue a list of negatives from the usual suspect jumping on the golden opportunity)
As for the pronoun thing…, what did you expect from the type of people who instigated all this type of pc bs, along with the ‘irregular immigrant’’ type of euphamisms from their servile borgs who prolong it all.
Just look at Starmer’s robotic speeches, he is a ‘Gonnadoo’,.always ‘gonna do’ something, but never actually does it,.whilst simultaneously ignoring the stuff that the people actually want him to do.
You are right, oiltreader: the Syrian diaspora will want to return to the homeland. I met top musicians busking in Cairo who will be keen to get back to their version of the proms for a start.
Yeah agreed, but logistically we can not take everybody, we are a small island.
As I said banish all these young guys posing as refugees, who make a bee line for the UK after passing through numerous countries, purely to reap the vast incentives offered over here first, to make room for actual genuine asylum seeking refugees.
But we can not take both and at same time maintain the constant influx…and it’s adverse effects.
This govt is an absolute joke not fit for purpose.
I agree that we cannot take unlimited numbers but at the least it is these people I have no problem helping, even if not all of them. It is the scroungers and economic migrants coming from safe countries that needs stopping.
Yeah that is what I meant.
‘Everybody’ meaning the genuine refugees and the ‘pretend ones’ combined.
why on earth would you except syrians over here… they are in a civil war of their own making. If they dont like the regime then apply to live else where in a muslim country that lives according to your own beliefs.
I grant you their laws and punishments are stricter than the western world and there is an argument against that. However, our laws state that if i steal and get caught ill go to jail. therefore i dont steal as i dont want to go to jail. Im not being persecuted I am not being oppressed in anyway i just cant steal.
If they are so dim they cannot work out hang on if i do so and so ill go to jail or whatever punishment then thats their look out it doesnt mean they are being oppressed or persecuted.
That is the whole point…
‘‘Why on Earth’’ would any of them want to come HERE?
The $1,000,000 question.
They all should claim asylum when they manage to escape from their (genuine or otherwise) ‘opressed country’ then decide where to settle for a better life afterwards by going there legally through the proper channels.
But the choices of…
First settling in some other Middle Eastern sh hole in their region, then heading to a Euro country legally afterwards to settle.
Make directly through numerous other countries, to a country with a second to none incentive.
To the welcolming committee of the gullible Lefty imbecile contingent,.with their 'Refugees welcome here ’ placards. To be then totally mollycoddled for their every need, in an even far superior way to the country’s own native population, for however long it takes to gain their (almost guaranteed) asylum status, then being (almost guaranteed) to be allowed to stay here, and given a house…well it’s a bit of a no brainer innit.
On behalf of all the UK pensioners…especially the many who voted Labour…
A Merry Christmas to Kier and his government …(and all the ‘‘Irregulars’’ staying in their ‘‘Hostels’’ nice and warm and fully catered for )
Get this track to the Christmas no1.
Firsty it has not gone past me that this may well be pure b/s…the political equivalent, and version of our very own industry’s famous and abundant…‘‘Drivercrap’’.
I have an open mind but have no reason to believe this either way, I am just putting it out there for discussion, to discuss the hypothesis of it being correct.
Personally I could not give a toss if as implied on the vid that somebody is allegedlly playing away from home, and/or coming out as gay, …or shagging some benevolent ‘sugar daddy with conditions’ Lord or another.
IF (and it is a big IF) this stuff is actually proven to be true, and from a party who ran their election ticket on being transparent, sleaze free, and putting across a ‘holier than thou’ delivery on it, then the hypocrisy is off the scale.
Farage mentioned a large scale cover up, and that there was some sort of official cross party gagging order going on over something…could this be what he was on about?
Btw…All the well known drama queens bleating and gloating about Boris in the past…, it will be interesting to get their views (cough ‘‘Franglais’’ cough cough.)
This stuff (again IF true,) makes Boris’s after hours cheese and wine after works party look totally insignificant (although to most of us it was…and is.)
So I suppose everything will come out in the wash.
Just remembered…can’t possiblly be true, cos ‘‘They aint as bad as the Tories’’ as someone used to say regularly on here.
Open to blackmail perhaps our pm? nah, well the Chagos Islands! for example with the clock going tik tok tik tok. All fantasy you say then again so was their pre election manifesto.
its every day there is some scandel. with this shower. Lied on resumees… took bribes… defrauded the hmrc the list just goes on and on and on… what hasnt come out is his ties to PIE and the work he did for their human rights. The man is scum yet people ■■■■ and moan about boris having a drink after work in the commons bar which wasnt illegal
I’d say a definite up hill gardener.
It’s all a diversion from the fact that King Charly is obviously onside with this Communist muppet for some reason.