Political discussions...

That is what I was saying.
I have listened to news channels on the radio all week, mostly phone in shows.
Some were even urging callers to come on and defend Starmer for balance, because nobody actually was.
The majority were dissatisfied with his performance, his alienation and ignoring of the white working classes, his faliure to acknowledge the true causes of the unrest, and his two tier policing when dealing with different types of people.

As for those on here continually slagging off the Tories in the past, and Labour fan boys…c’mon what else did you expect…‘‘Must not go against or criticise the official narrative’’.:roll_eyes:

Here’s the latest from ‘Talk’…

As Kyle says…‘How the hell can anyone listen to this and not think this is bloody ridiculous’ …especialy the bit where Rayner is going to prioritise illegals for social housing and not ban terrorists.:joy:
How the hell indeed…They ARE among us…and even on Trucknet.:grinning: