polish parking

why do these poles think its fine to park anywhere i pulled into thurrock services this morning at 4 am and some bollock had decided to block the entrance off to the lorry park with his unit and trailer after a blast of the horn no response then a bang on drivers door the reply i got was sorry polish,my reply was sorry english ■■■■■■■ move,why do majority act the ■■■■ all they need is a bit of common sense RANT OVER

blowing the horn at 4am and then complaining about someone else?

blowing the horn at 4am and then complaining about someone else?


I’m alright jack syndrome? Wake everyone up within earshot. But add long as your not held up eh?

blowing the horn at 4am and then complaining about someone else?


Yes he was a tool for blocking the entrance but you defied the limits of idiocy with your actions.

What difference does him being Polish make? I had a British driver do a similar thing a few months back. I have to wonder, if the driver had been British would the title have been ‘British parking’.
Clowns are clowns, nationality doesn’t come into it.

Now, airhorns at 4am in a lorry park = lost sleep, lack of rest and risk of subsequent tiredness (possibly x 40). A more serious matter altogether IMO.

For all that have driven in Europe and seen some of the horrific parking then this would explain why it`s done over here :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

As for the horn at 4am :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

A proper driver would see the great big sign for the other hgv parking as there are two at thurrock, and how irresponsible sounding your horn

Fellas we have in madmanjay a weapons grade moron of the highest order attempting to share with us his oh so difficult travails at thurrock msa that a sharp blast is deemed an appropriate response at 4 in the morning.

I for one would have enjoyed the spectacle of this cretin lynched from the nearest lampost,in fact i would be there with my own rope.Any horn sounding at any time in an msa is the ultimate taboo and it’s cretinous practicioners should be slotted forthwith.

I must admit, I’ve seen some really crap parking here in Germany. Even to the extent of parked up on the hard shoulder just before the rest area, hazards on and no way can you get a car in there, let alone a truck!

I understand where the op is coming from, as we’ve all seen foreign (note not just Polish) wagons parked on hard shoulders, infront of gateways and a real bugbear of mine; A blind bend where as soon as you pass them, they jump out waving a map and delivery notes. You can’t speed past as they seem to be kamikaze drivers who just stand in your way. I admit I dread cycling past a foreign artic with hazards on as I go to work incase I get blown off my bike from their mad map waving.
Blasting the horn at 4am is just acting the feminine hairy hole though…

Your a ■■■.

why do these poles think its fine to park anywhere i pulled into thurrock services this morning at 4 am and some bollock had decided to block the entrance off to the lorry park with his unit and trailer after a blast of the horn no response then a bang on drivers door the reply i got was sorry polish,my reply was sorry english [zb] move,why do majority act the [zb] all they need is a bit of common sense RANT OVER

at thurrock servs they are TWO lorry parking areas :unamused:

who said i wanted to park up i wanted fuel,and as for the air horns its different for you guys in the day time blasting em while im trying to sleep so whos a ■■■ now :astonished:

who said i wanted to park up i wanted fuel,and as for the air horns its different for you guys in the day time blasting em while im trying to sleep so whos a ■■■ now :astonished:

If you only wanted fuel why go through the lorry park and wake everyone up, there is another way to the HGV pumps that avoids most of the lorry park - so whos a ■■■ now !

well martin thats like saying all wagons go through 2nd entrance as drivers that sleep in the day dont want disturbing in the main parking area what aload of ■■■■■■■■

well martin thats like saying all wagons go through 2nd entrance as drivers that sleep in the day dont want disturbing in the main parking area what aload of ■■■■■■■■

I used to fill up at Thurrock 2 or 3 times a week and always went throught the second entrance to avoid the truck park which was often congested due to bad parking and total lack of marked parking bays. It’s just easier whatever the time of day…