Police, Camera, Action

11.35 ITV tonight

‘When Lorries Become Lethal’

Just thought I would let peeps know this is on in case anyone is interested in seeing it. This is on Scottish TV so not 100% sure if it will be on in England. Probably will be, maybe at a different time though

yeah its on down here too,been on before i think

Its looking good so far !!! Top tip for crap tacho fiddlers…if you need to get home to see your kids, maybe look for a different line of work !! Not sure how them coppers keep a straight face or a closed mouth.

Any idea how I can watch it?..not on the itv player thing :frowning:

Any idea how I can watch it?..not on the itv player thing :frowning:

Should be in a few days.

It was on about a year ago .There was a post about it .Did not say anything nice about lorry drivers there a surprise then .Its the one where the presenter spends the night in a lorry .