
evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

So we’re told, it’s a mimimum of 5 minutes-I suppose to make a distinct “mark” on an analogue tacho. Or do you mean how soon can you switch to POA? I usually give it 5 minutes or so on other work before switching over. If I’m not loaded overnight, I’ll leave tacho on other work for 15 (as I understand you’re meant to do this to show you’re checking vehicle), then switch to POA for 15 or 20 minutes as the quarry doesn’t start until 7am. I don’t write any reason for it on timesheet just switch modes. Does anyone know if you’re meant to write the reason down for it to count as I here conflicting answers?

Dunno if its true,but we were told under 15 minutes.

I’m sure one of our oracles will be along shortly to tell us… :smiley:

well reading the vosa book there is nothing in there about min time only that you must know about the delay in advance!!! but it doesn’t say how far in advance. so in that case if you get somewhere and they tell you when you arrive you are going to be delayed, you have been told in advance, its just one of the stupid rules to come out of the e.u. yet again and grayer than a snow cloud lol :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min, we have to write our aprox times of work, rest and poi on timesheet, sometimes poi will be only a couple of min’s but it’s not like a break where it has to be 15 and 30 to count every min your on poi your not on other work so every min counts just make sure you don’t count it as break as allot of people do! If your on a digi tacho it will show it as if it’s a break if more than 15 min’s but this is a mistake as it’s not a break and after 45 min’s of poi it will wipe your current driving time off!


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min, we have to write our aprox times of work, rest and poi on timesheet, sometimes poi will be only a couple of min’s but it’s not like a break where it has to be 15 and 30 to count every min your on poi your not on other work so every min counts just make sure you don’t count it as break as allot of people do! If your on a digi tacho it will show it as if it’s a break if more than 15 min’s but this is a mistake as it’s not a break and after 45 min’s of poi it will wipe your current driving time off!

what is POI, Place Of Interest maybe :question: :question:


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min,

Looks like the correct answer to me. POA counts from the time you start recording it.



evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min, we have to write our aprox times of work, rest and poi on timesheet, sometimes poi will be only a couple of min’s but it’s not like a break where it has to be 15 and 30 to count every min your on poi your not on other work so every min counts just make sure you don’t count it as break as allot of people do! If your on a digi tacho it will show it as if it’s a break if more than 15 min’s but this is a mistake as it’s not a break and after 45 min’s of poi it will wipe your current driving time off!

what is POI, Place Of Interest maybe :question: :question:

:blush: I ment poA :unamused:


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min, we have to write our aprox times of work, rest and poi on timesheet, sometimes poi will be only a couple of min’s but it’s not like a break where it has to be 15 and 30 to count every min your on poi your not on other work so every min counts just make sure you don’t count it as break as allot of people do! If your on a digi tacho it will show it as if it’s a break if more than 15 min’s but this is a mistake as it’s not a break and after 45 min’s of poi it will wipe your current driving time off!

What he said :slight_smile:

Every minute of POA counts starting for minute one onwards.

You only have to be informed of the duration of waiting time immediately prior to the time starting. So, for example arriving at your favourite RDC and the security guard saying to you ‘park over there pal as we have an hours’ delay’ is perfectly acceptable as notification. So would be being told by the office person that so and so RDC has a delay of 40 minutes after your arrival time. If you go to a place frequently and you usually have a delay of X hours or minutes when you get there that would also qualify the time for being recorded as POA.

There is nothing wrong with the Digi Tacho counting POA as break if the period is 15 minutes or more. Yes, I know it’s rubbish, but the law governing Digi Tacho construction required it to do that. Blame the technical committee that wrote the legislation, they obviously didn’t read the Working Time Rules relating to road transport where it clearly states that POA is not break or rest. That Directive was published on 11th March 2002, whilst the Digi Tacho Regulation was published on 13th June 2002. You would have thought somebody would have popped down the corridor to see what other groups were doing :smiley: Although to be fair one piece of legislation governs a piece of recording equipment and the other deals with social / welfare matters. Still, at least it warns you of the 4.5 hour driving period, analogue tachos never did.

evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:

Yeh the PIO is place of interest & POA is price on application, someone should explain all these abbreviations in full sometimes it may help. hahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Come on chaps…
Everyone knows it means ■■■■■■ Off Again :laughing: :laughing:
Happy Xmas to all you supermarket drivers for braving the snow so I can have my dinner.


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:

Many people don’t bother with it that’s why there are questions regarding it; it makes no difference whatsover whether tachos on other work or POA and my employer’s not bothered what my tachos set to as long as it’s legit…And I don’t enjoy the job enough to do 84 hours…or 55 hours at that :laughing:



evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:[/qu

sorry for bothering you i thought this was a place for drivers to ask advice from other drivers !!!

As far as I’m aware every min counts from the first min, we have to write our aprox times of work, rest and poi on timesheet, sometimes poi will be only a couple of min’s but it’s not like a break where it has to be 15 and 30 to count…

Not quite correct. Break, like POA, is break regardless of the length of time so 5 minutes recorded as break is still break, it just can’t be used as any of the required break periods for the WTD or the tacho rules. It is a popular misconception that a break period of less than 15 minutes defaults to other work.


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:

It’s been in place for as long as the WTD has been in place yet people such as your self still don’t know the break requirements for the WTD. Now that’s also ‘hilarious’ I guess. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: People in glass houses and all that. :wink:


evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:

why do you say connor its the ONE thing that allows us to do 70/80 hrs p.w,i dont use it and regulary do 70/80 hrs p.w[no infringement or anything,



evening guys when does poa start counting im being told that under 30 mins dosent count can anyone clarify? thanks

FFS, how many YEARS has this been in force now? And half you lot still don’t understand it which is hilarious considering its the one thing that still allows you to do 84hr weeks.
:unamused: :unamused:

why do you say connor its the ONE thing that allows us to do 70/80 hrs p.w,i dont use it and regulary do 70/80 hrs p.w[no infringement or anything,

Me too ady, I never use POA either but regularly book the same sort of hours as you on my timesheet.