if u stop to wait to be tipped etc… could be asked to move at any time, it that a POA on ur tacho? my stupid tacho will count it as rest and give u another 4.30 hors of driving after if u have been on a POA for more than 45 mins.

the other iritating thing is that it does automatically to rest when ever i swtch off the engine. it helps me keep within my working hours i guess but it really screws up my rest calculations, especially conbined with the POA issue.

i try to keep it on crossed hammers or driving all the time just to keep my rest calculations simple.


if u stop to wait to be tipped etc… could be asked to move at any time, it that a POA on ur tacho? my stupid tacho will count it as rest and give u another 4.30 hors of driving after if u have been on a POA for more than 45 mins.

All digi tachos do that but it doesn’t mean you have a new 4.5 hours of driving available. Best thing is not to bother with POA at all.

the other iritating thing is that it does automatically to rest when ever i swtch off the engine. it helps me keep within my working hours i guess but it really screws up my rest calculations, especially conbined with the POA issue.

I believe you can get that changed by a workshop which deals with tachos.

is it worth getting one of those digital hour guards? not having a good grip on my hours is stpping me doing work because i work on the “better safe than sorry” principle.