POA as 2 nd man

My company does multi drop and driver training is required as product knowledge is essential, therefore new drivers are sent with experienced ones as a 2 man crew.Obviously 2nd man puts his card in and digi defaults to POA whilst vehicle is moving and the working hours are not clocking.

My understanding is that for the time spent as training the driver should log other work and do a digi print out at the end of the day and then adjust on the print out to reflect the other work. Rest of the time spent as 2nd man whilst vehicle is moving is POA. But some drivers are saying that they are not putting the cards in the 2nd slot :open_mouth: as they do not want to log POA and do a manual chart at the end of their day.

I don’t think putting the card in the 2nd slot is optional. Even if you do not drive all day you are employed as a driver and are available for driving.

I believe you only need the second driver to insert card if they will be driving the vehicle they are travelling in.

My company does multi drop and driver training is required as product knowledge is essential, therefore new drivers are sent with experienced ones as a 2 man crew.Obviously 2nd man puts his card in and digi defaults to POA whilst vehicle is moving and the working hours are not clocking.

My understanding is that for the time spent as training the driver should log other work and do a digi print out at the end of the day and then adjust on the print out to reflect the other work. Rest of the time spent as 2nd man whilst vehicle is moving is POA. But some drivers are saying that they are not putting the cards in the 2nd slot :open_mouth: as they do not want to log POA and do a manual chart at the end of their day.

I don’t think putting the card in the 2nd slot is optional. Even if you do not drive all day you are employed as a driver and are available for driving.

If the worker will not be driving for the entire shift he does not need to use his driver card, for none driving days a worker can manually record his activities on a printout or chart.

Under the rules of POA, a driver has to have previous knowledge of when that POA is going to end, and not be required to remain at the work station.
In the example given there is no prior knowledge, and a commitment to remain (I presume you are being trained whilst the vehicle is moving), therefore no POA.

I would insert the card and record other work, as you are employed to be trained, this being other work.

If you drive the second week, then you would need a record of your activities for the 2 week calculation’s.

When we double manned we always put the card in the 2nd slot and changed it to other work at the drop and break on break times, just made it easier than doing manuals later in the day and trying to remember times etc, Pull card go home and see you tomorrow.

I would insert the card and record other work, as you are employed to be trained, this being other work.

The problem being that as soon as the wheels start turning, the 2nd slot defaults to POA. I don’t think you can make it record Other Work when the vehicle is moving (and even if you could, it would again revert to POA every time the vehicle stopped and started again - such as in traffic).

Yes your right, ahead of myself.
My choice is always to make recordings, in hindsight, when the vehicle returns to base, insert card and make manual entries for the day. A written record could be kept whilst out and about.

To be honest two man crews arn’t my remit, in the OP its not the same as the reg’s on two crew operation which is why I flagged up the use of other work mode.