PNG Image files only?

Is the site broken or can we only post png images, I tried to post a jpeg in another thread and got this message.

This seems strange as jpeg files are generally smaller than png files so I would have thought they would be the preferred file type.

I’m no techy, so I can’t speak for what occurred in your case, but I’ve had a look at this for you.

Apparently, the following file extensions are allowed:

  • gif
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • png
  • tga
  • tif
  • tiff

I hope this helps.

Thanks Dave, I’ve been playing about in this thread and it seems that this board doesn’t like images that are converted from PNG to JPEG in Windows Photo, if I convert the same images in Windows Paint they seem to upload without problem.

It must be something to do with the way Windows Photo converts images I suppose :confused:

Anyway the problem seems to be solved so thanks again

Thanks Dave, I’ve been playing about in this thread and it seems that this board doesn’t like images that are converted from PNG to JPEG in Windows Photo, if I convert the same images in Windows Paint they seem to upload without problem.

It must be something to do with the way Windows Photo converts images I suppose :confused:

Anyway the problem seems to be solved so thanks again

Hi tachograph,

I’m glad that I could give you a pointer. :smiley:

I’ve not encountered the issue that you had, but I use PSP7 for working with pictures.