
Why are we censored on PM’s? I thought what went on in private stayed private. I mean swear words by the way.
Be nice to vent steam and stuff. :sunglasses:

Why are we censored on PM’s? I thought what went on in private stayed private. I mean swear words by the way.
Be nice to vent steam and stuff. :sunglasses:

Hi bigvern1,

What goes on in PMs should indeed stay private, but privacy is nothing to do with the way in which the auto-censor is set to catch certain words.

Of course, somebody might choose to employ auto censor dodges in PMs and there’s nothing that the Mod/Admin team can do about that, but… let’s just say that some folks are more delicate than others, so one man’s ‘letting off steam’ might be another man’s cause for a complaint of having received an abusive PM.

:bulb: Forum rule #8 covers abusive PMs.

It’s the board host which configures the format, and if a word is banned then it can’t be used in PM’s, or even in the admin and moderators’ forum.

No buddy…I only PM people I want to. That’s the place to do it. If it’s someone I don’t like, I don’t even open them!

But the point is that nobody, including an admin, would be able to change it so that it was possible for swear words to be allowed in a PM. Possibly PhPBB could, but I don’t imagine they would.

I only asked…I ain’t that put out.

Harry for TNUK Mod of the year :smiley:

Harry for TNUK Mod of the year :smiley:

Err, I don’t think so! :smiley:

Harry was a Mod here for a good while and a bloody good one- but times have moved on.

Harry was a Mod here for a good while and a bloody good one- but times have moved on.

Sounds like a polite way of saying and won’t be again!


Harry was a Mod here for a good while and a bloody good one- but times have moved on.

Sounds like a polite way of saying and won’t be again!

That’s right, he won’t be. :wink:

I did about three or four years I suppose, but I prefer just being an ordinary member. I put up with abuse at work all day, why should I have to put up with it on here too?

I have the greatest respect for the people who supervise the sandpit, but I have no ambitions whatsoever to be a sandpit supervisor again!

Harry was a Mod here for a good while and a bloody good one- but times have moved on.

you made them all better looking :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: