PM was sent to my inbox but I had this message

Delete message
This message has been removed by its author before it was delivered.

How can that happen?

Whoever sent it changed their mind :wink:

If you send a pm is is possible to edit (and delete ) it after it has been sent but before it gets read !

I write a pm and send it to you but before you click on it I go into edit and delete it so you then recieve that message

Don’t send me pictures of yourself though ROG

Don’t send me pictures of yourself though ROG

Could be worse - I could SKYPE you :laughing:

Don’t send me pictures of yourself though ROG

I reckon it was a ■■■■ pic of his wife in a blind spot :wink:


Don’t send me pictures of yourself though ROG

I reckon it was a ■■■■ pic of his wife in a blind spot :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: