Please visit the Newbies forum from time to time

Most weeks there are those that pass their C or C+E tests in the newbies forum and lately they do not seem to be getting much cheer :frowning: :frowning:

No matter what our opinions are on them getting their licences at this time it is still a great achievement.

This is but one example - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43571 - 4 minors on a first time C+E pass :slight_smile: - there are others…

yey for new drivers, not easy being the new kid :laughing:

I think the newbies could be joined to the main forum, there’s a hell of a lot they can learn from here, and some of us bone idle buggers would see what they’ve been up to, and mebbe offer a pat on the back etc

I think the newbies could be joined to the main forum, there’s a hell of a lot they can learn from here, and some of us bone idle buggers would see what they’ve been up to, and mebbe offer a pat on the back etc

I think you’ll find that most newbies to get lots of good info from the PDF but mainly after they have passed the test, whereras the Newbies forum tends to err towards the training aspect and is handy for keeping that info in one easy to access place.

There are quite a few members who go to the newbies forum and pass on some excellent words of wisdom & advice though :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Most weeks there are those that pass their C or C+E tests in the newbies forum and lately they do not seem to be getting much cheer :frowning: :frowning:

No matter what our opinions are on them getting their licences at this time it is still a great achievement.

This is but one example - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43571 - 4 minors on a first time C+E pass :slight_smile: - there are others…

Let me get this straight, you want more people to go to the newbies section and post encouragement to someone who has just passed their test? i.e…“well done”, “good one” “great stuff” “well done you, way to go” ? How old do you think they are ROG ? They’re not kids. To visit that forum section just to give cheer is a bit banal. I can understand a poster giving advice to someone and maybe involving himself in sort sort of help role and then giving cheer to someone who has passed, but to just go there and give cheer to someone for passing? You’ve already done this several times by posting …‘give this newbie a cheer’ or some other such stuff’ in the general forum. The response you got wasn’t the one you wanted so you’re here again to try some more. I would of thought that someone visiting the newbies section was either a newbie or someone willing to look, read the questions and answer them. Althought, that idea doesn’t hold true for the tacho law and WTD forum, where you frequently answer questions with almost…‘i havn’t a clue either’. Stop meddling and trying to get people to do what you want them to do. You’ve already tried (succesfully) to post enough ‘newbie’ stuff in the main forum as it is regarding training providers and other such stuff and you’re very quick to suggest when you think a topic should be moved, or split etc… YOU like training and similar related stuff, don’t try and ram it down all our throats.

Well done Mike, I agree. He’s a nuns knickers. :smiling_imp:

Some fair points Mike-C but I was just trying to get a bit a cheering going for those that have newly passed - that’s all :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The last time I did it there were on average 4 ‘well dones’ to each newbie pass and yet after I mentioned it in the PDF - they increased to over 12 :exclamation: - sort of speaks for itself :wink:

Some fair points Mike-C but I was just trying to get a bit a cheering going for those that have newly passed - that’s all :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The last time I did it there were on average 4 ‘well dones’ to each newbie pass and yet after I mentioned it in the PDF - they increased to over 12 :exclamation: - sort of speaks for itself :wink:

I understand what you where trying to do ROG, your ‘increase’ in well dones though ,…that ‘sort of speaks for itself (with a wink)’ ,tells me that some people have done as you suggested and gone and give a well done as you suggested. Please stop this cross forum posting of unrelated stuff (to the appropriate forum). If your svengali like influence is so strong i’m sure you’ll be contacted to be commisioned for further expansions in forum topics in the future. In the meantime i’m sure that anyone can see, read and understand what the forum index and its list of topics is and respond, read or post appropriateley.


Most weeks there are those that pass their C or C+E tests in the newbies forum and lately they do not seem to be getting much cheer :frowning: :frowning:

No matter what our opinions are on them getting their licences at this time it is still a great achievement.

This is but one example - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43571 - 4 minors on a first time C+E pass :slight_smile: - there are others…

Let me get this straight, you want more people to go to the newbies section and post encouragement to someone who has just passed their test? i.e…“well done”, “good one” “great stuff” “well done you, way to go” ? How old do you think they are ROG ? They’re not kids. To visit that forum section just to give cheer is a bit banal. I can understand a poster giving advice to someone and maybe involving himself in sort sort of help role and then giving cheer to someone who has passed, but to just go there and give cheer to someone for passing? You’ve already done this several times by posting …‘give this newbie a cheer’ or some other such stuff’ in the general forum. The response you got wasn’t the one you wanted so you’re here again to try some more. I would of thought that someone visiting the newbies section was either a newbie or someone willing to look, read the questions and answer them. Althought, that idea doesn’t hold true for the tacho law and WTD forum, where you frequently answer questions with almost…‘i havn’t a clue either’. Stop meddling and trying to get people to do what you want them to do. You’ve already tried (succesfully) to post enough ‘newbie’ stuff in the main forum as it is regarding training providers and other such stuff and you’re very quick to suggest when you think a topic should be moved, or split etc… YOU like training and similar related stuff, don’t try and ram it down all our throats.

Hi Mike-C

I do understand what you are getting at, but this is a forum and members read only certain sections of the forum and if someone want’s to let others know what going on in the other parts of this site isn’t it there choice to view the post and let them decide to have a look.

We all do things different in here some have been on the forum for years.
some like me just under a year.
if someone passes there test and there want to post to say well done it must be there choice and if an other member post to let us know that someone as a post that there have passed whats the fuss, you can chose to ignore the post or have it removed to the the forum that suites it IE feedback part

Most weeks there are those that pass their C or C+E tests in the newbies forum and lately they do not seem to be getting much cheer :frowning: :frowning:

That might be to do with the fact that there isn’t much cheer for many of us these days.

No matter what our opinions are on them getting their licences at this time it is still a great achievement.

Agreed. I don’t think anybody could reasonably argue against that.

This is but one example - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43571 - 4 minors on a first time C+E pass :slight_smile: - there are others…

True. I congratulated him on his achievement, as did a number of other members.

There are a number of very good reasons that members might not even visit the Newbies’ forum.

I’d say the vast majority of members mightn’t have the time or inclination to visit the Newbies’ forum. This could be because they have time constraints imposed by the hours they work and the normal pressures of family life. Alternatively, they simply might not wish to do so, and they don’t even need a reason…

Then there’s the question of the intent of the Newbies’ forum, the clue being in the title. :wink:
By its nature, the Newbies’ forum is where training and other ‘newbie’ stuff is discussed. That being the case, I’m sure you can understand that it’s a niche subject of no relevance or interest whatsoever to most of the membership of the forums. That isn’t to say that I disagree with your idea of giving advice and/or a pat on the back to newbies, in fact, I’m sure they appreciate it greatly. I’ll go further and say that I think it’s a good thing that some of us experienced folks do such things. TBF though, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea.

WADR ROG, everybody knows where the Newbies’ forum is, and most people seem to remember that the first time you tried the idea of suggesting they visit the Newbies’ forum didn’t meet with much success. With hindsight, maybe a second attempt at the suggestion wasn’t a wise move; and now is actually the time to leave folks to make up their own minds on the subject of whether they wish to visit or post in it?

To put it quite bluntly,IMHO the members will visit or post in the Newbies’ forum as they see fit. :smiley: