Plea to admin bar me

one for admin stop me posting.



why do you want to be stop from posting

probably cause im tired of seeing .
guys posting how they openend the wagon door n they (wernent happy)
how are they expected to work under conditions like this :laughing: f of
ive got a lot to say but im trying not to say it (i dont want to)
not my style.

RIKKI BAR me please


why do you want to be stop from posting

probably cause im tired of seeing .
guys posting how they openend the wagon door n they (wernent happy)
how are they expected to work under conditions like this :laughing: f of
ive got a lot to say but im trying not to say it (i dont want to)
not my style.

Let it out son. Get it off your chest. You’ll feel much better and we can have a good laugh.

Everyone’s a winner. Petit de jeunier :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thee me thinking that he`s become a TNuk internet posting addict, and has to have his regular fix of TN posting … addicted to posting on TNuk not me guv … sniff

Thee me thinking that he`s become a TNuk internet posting addict, and has to have his regular fix of TN posting … addicted to posting on TNuk not me guv … sniff

Well i tried to get off it.
sad zb.

RIKKI BAR me please

We won’t stop you posting.

You’ve got a couple of options
loose the TruckNet UK link n stop coming in :open_mouth:
Post what you feel, n possibly get banned for it if it’s really excessive :frowning: , most likely it’ll be edited to remove personal or abusive stuff n you’ll get a warning :frowning:
Post what you feel, without getting personal or abusive n just get it off our chest, over n done with, jobs a goodun (till next time) :laughing:
I think thats about it really.

Personally, I’d try for the third option :sunglasses: :laughing:

“Cuckoo” :laughing: :laughing:

“Cuckoo” :laughing: :laughing:

Whos mad me who hass known 4 wars or you that has only known peace

“Cuckoo” :laughing: :laughing:

howling at the moon sk
howling at the ■■■■■■■ moon

are you alright??