Plea for slimmer threads!

Wonder if I could make a plea for posters in threads where photos have been introduced which have expanded the text sideways, to slim down their replies and save us all scrolling backwards and forwards for each line.

It’s very simple to do. For every full line you type hit ‘return’ at the end. That will make sure it stays within the normal screen area when you submit.

If that is a bit of a chore for the non touch-typists among us like me, who watch the keyboard as they type, when you have finished and before submitting, just press ‘end’ then ‘return’ on each line down the message. Takes a few seconds only, but makes for an easier reading life.

If hitting ‘return’ creates a space, then there was no need as that line was not too long. Whacking the ‘back’ arrow will return it to normal.

Put an end to tennis eyeballs :unamused: :laughing: .

Salut, David.

or just reduce your photos down to 600 x350


also url’s can be so long as to be worse than big pics,
but thats easy to fix. instructions are here

or just reduce your photos down to 600 x350


Yes but not everyone does and it’s not mine that are the problem.
Just thought this was an easy way for people to cope with a very annoying occurrence. :unamused: .

Just checked out Mal’s link above and my head hurt before I’d gone 10 lines :confused: :blush: :open_mouth:

Salut, David.