Hi guys, this may sound a bit morbid etc…sorry…but…
Do or have any of you guys planned for the end…funeral plans etc? What with us been at risk of death a bit more then the average worker etc ( crash caused by some idiot on road etc)
I only ask as yesterday i was at my nieces funeral, she was only 33 years old and leaves behind to young kids ( 8 years and 9 months) she died from aggressive forms of cancer.
It got me thinking im 32 (yes i know…weird having nieces and nephews older) and have 4 kids and really i should plan funeral etc so they not left in the ■■■■ really.
Firstly I’ve made it plain to all that any and all bits’n’bobs of my body that can be useful to others are to be given.
I’m not young but ain’t so decrepit that my body is quite worn out yet.
I’ve got a written will, plus some electronic messages to leave.
It’s not being morbid. It’s being realistic and considering those who’ll be left sorting out my affairs.
Used to have it all sorted out but haven’t reviewed anything in a few years. I doubt I’ll care much, I’ll be dead.
I’ve left all my login details for various accounts so someone can go on every so often and send messages like “WooooOooo” or “loving my new life in Barbados.”
If I die today then the wife is aware of my preferences, if I’m diagnosed with a terminal illness then I have time to get more things written down, in the event we both go together in some kind of crash then we have a will made with all our preferences on paper so nothing to worry about.
My wife like a lot of your wives will be considerably richer if I suddenly leave this world I do know that
bald bloke:
If I die today then the wife is aware of my preferences, if I’m diagnosed with a terminal illness then I have time to get more things written down, in the event we both go together in some kind of crash then we have a will made with all our preferences on paper so nothing to worry about.
My wife like a lot of your wives will be considerably richer if I suddenly leave this world I do know that
How much does my wife get if you croak?
Where do you park your car?
Do you check brake fluid every day?
I bought a prepaid funeral plan recently,cost me £3750 for a fairly modest send off ( Got no mates,and don’t like my relatives ).
When I croak,it’s one phone call and everythings sorted by a local funeral director…saves a lot of hassle for your family,and if you live more a few more years yet,saves a load of dosh
Blimey I’m barely prepared for life let alone reincarnation/death/belief of choice.
I recently transferred all my savings to the wife’s account so if anything happened to me she would be OK.
Madness I hear you cry, well when the wife asked why ?, I told her money doesn’t mean anything without her anyway.
Now it was at this point I thought I was in for an evening of legendary coitus but I blew it when her next question was ‘well what if I run off with another bloke’.
The correct answer I should have given was ‘then I would cry my eyes out and spend the rest of my life missing you’…
Not ‘the poor bugger will have to invoice me for the rest’.
bald bloke:
If I die today then the wife is aware of my preferences, if I’m diagnosed with a terminal illness then I have time to get more things written down, in the event we both go together in some kind of crash then we have a will made with all our preferences on paper so nothing to worry about.
My wife like a lot of your wives will be considerably richer if I suddenly leave this world I do know that
How much does my wife get if you croak?
Where do you park your car?
Do you check brake fluid every day?
Having recently dealt with the consequences of someone’s death, it’s surprisingly eye opening to realise how unprepared people are for their death/demise. As soon as the subject is raised in conversation you can guarantee someone will try to change the topic. Many make a will out, but don’t regularly reassess the relavance of it to most recent times, beneficiaries and executors die or move away, and effectively takes themselves out of the equation.
One other thing everyone should consider is a lasting power of attorney (LPA), particularly the one relating to property and financial affairs, because if you end up in a position where you are mentally incapacitated and you are the one holding the ■■■■■ strings, your loved ones may find themselves locked out of bank accounts etc unable to pay day to day bills. An LPA can now be done online, the formatting is virtually idiot proof as the online system won’t allow you to progress to the next page unless the correct info is entered. At £82 per LPA it’s hardly going to cost a fortune. The other type of LPA relates to health and welfare which is only really relevant when it comes to giving someone the power of turning of life support off or instigating a DNR regime
Nothing in place, but she has more than enough in her bank to send me off…if not…its a paupers one for me…and lets face it…when your gone…your gone and its no use worrying about it.But with 5 kids working im sure theyll think of something nice.
All this was forced upon us when my wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer aged 37,both funerals are paid for and my wife has planned her own funeral right down to which coffin she wants and the paper booklet thingy given out to attendees of which she has completely designed herself front to back.
Not the way we expected our lives to pan out tbh,planning and thinking of funerals whilst we are both still relatively young and have a 10 year old son.
At the minute she is on a drugs trial with a clinic in London that has shown some good results for her over the last 3 months so hopefully one day she will no longer be seen as terminally ill but we both know that she is only ever one bad 4 weekly scan result away from her involvement in the trial being ended by the drugs company funding it.
I was given 6 months or so 11 years ago but I had a good surgeon and a lot of luck.I figure even Old Nick doesn’t want me.At the time I made a will and got insurance cover to pay for funeral for the little woman and myself.
I also made it clear that I don’t see the point in expensive funerals.If the council won’t take me away on garden waste day,I don’t care if I’m buried in a paper bag.Neither do I want to hang about in a cabbage like state,a needle will do.It’ll be legal soon anyway,I reckon.
The only complaint I have as a geriatric rocker is that she won’t play “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC as I drift away.
While my parents are still alive i will let them sort it out.I never asked for this ■■■■ … Although i appreciated winning that one race …I will also say that i dont care how i go ,Rubbish dump left at the morg or chopped up for science .I have a donor card but i dont think much will be usable…I will not be paying for a plan any time soon .Careful what you think about ,It could manifest a quicker demise.
I’ve bought a plot in the cemetery not at the church but next to my house on the edge of the village ,it overlooks the farm where I was born across the valley , I would like a cowboy burial failing that a light blue steel coffin .
Punchy Dan:
I’ve bought a plot in the cemetery not at the church but next to my house on the edge of the village ,it overlooks the farm where I was born across the valley , I would like a cowboy burial failing that a light blue steel coffin .
Hi Dan, Im sure you will get your wish, Of course the famous word FODEN Would have to be on your coffin, Hope you are keeping well my friend , Regards Larry.