I,ve got a Tom Tom 520 wifi which is connected via pixel2, it was working fine until last week, now it won’t connect to the traffic services or the my drive,
It will connect fine when using my home wifi, or a Samsung Galaxy S7,
So there’s a problem I think with the pixel2 which is running Android 9, I’ve factory reset the pixel, and reset the Tom Tom, and it worked for about 2hrs, then stopped connecting to live services, the Tom Tom shows pixel connected,
Any ideas people.
Is it using the phone for WiFi or connecting via bluetooth? I know WiFi can shut down after a period of inactivity on various devices although not played with a Pixel but might be helpful to know.
Edit: dont know if any of this will help esp the timeout and data saver which might kickin if it thinks you’ve run low on data.
support.google.com/pixelphone/a … 6?hl=en-GB
Edit 2: It might be worth trying bluetooth internet sharing and see if it works. It wont need a lot of data so BT shpuld be able to cope except for full map downloads.
uk.support.tomtom.com/app/conte … nect-phone
Unless you want to send it to me for “testing” which might take 6 months.
It’s not losing the connection to the device, it’s not allowing the live services, it’s as if the Tom Tom can’t talk to the pixel, it shows up as connected, the pixel also shows one device connected, the Tom Tom, just seems like it can’t use the hotspot data, As for Tom Tom customer services, 20minutes on hold and all the recommended is un-pair reconnect, and master reset, it’s a software fault after it was updated, I can still tether my tablet to the phone, still connect to the system in the truck V4 Volvo, …